1、These men's megalomania was captured in two masterworks: Orson Welles's film "Citizen Kane" and Evelyn Waugh's novel "Scoop" .───这些人的自大症在两部杰作中显露无疑:奥逊.威尔斯的电影《公民凯恩》和伊夫林.沃的小说《独家新闻》。
2、Libya, of course, represents a level of megalomania and social pulverisation straight out of antiquity that has few recent parallels.───无疑,利比亚在一定程度上展现出了直接脱胎于古代的那种妄自尊大与摧毁社会的心态,当今可与之相比的国家寥寥无几。
3、In the end, as we saw in Gaddafi's downfall, the sons were expected to sacrifice themselves on the pyre of his narcissistic megalomania.───到头来,正如我们在卡扎菲倒台过程中所见证的那样,卡扎菲的儿子们预计将沦为他那自恋式妄自尊大的祭品。
4、He is very bright. He helps me a lot, to not have any fits of megalomania.───他很聪明,他帮了我很多,他帮我不会变成自大狂。
5、His megalomania saw large parts of Europe devastated in his lifetime and forced into communism after the war.───他妄想看到欧洲大部分地区在他的有生之年被摧毁,这些地方却在战后BeiPo进入了GongChan主义。
6、Yet this very megalomania seems to be both the secret to his longevity and to his unhinged nature.───然而,极度的狂妄自大似乎正是他长久统治和错乱心智背后的原因。
7、may lead to megalomania.───可能导致妄自尊大。
8、Taxpayers bear the cost of guaranteeing this fruit of megalomania.───这一自大狂成果的费用由纳税人负担。
9、Thus does the paranoia, megalomania, and fanaticism of the rulers become deadly dangerous to every single person.───于是乎,统治者的偏执、自大和狂热得以变得对所有人都是一种致命的危险。
1、He, too, considers MacArthur's megalomania.
2、But Mr Kim , for all his megalomania and paranoia , is a shrewd tactician.
3、The 1890s saw the triumph of megalomania as size took over and passengers and tracks increased in number.
4、Despite their evident megalomania, no coherent vision informed them.
5、Early success may lead to megalomania.
6、The dictator was suffering from megalomania.
7、Sometimes charming, he could also be egocentric to the point of megalomania.
8、Thaksinwas a self-serving megalomania whoboughthistwo previous electionsandlater stole an billions of THB from Thailand andtheThai people before being ousted.
9、Personally they are petty, self-indulgent and vengeful to a degree that suggests galloping megalomania.
1、These men's megalomania was captured in two masterworks: Orson Welles's film "Citizen Kane" and Evelyn Waugh's novel "Scoop" .───这些人的自大症在两部杰作中显露无疑:奥逊.威尔斯的电影《公民凯恩》和伊夫林.沃的小说《独家新闻》。
2、Libya, of course, represents a level of megalomania and social pulverisation straight out of antiquity that has few recent parallels.───无疑,利比亚在一定程度上展现出了直接脱胎于古代的那种妄自尊大与摧毁社会的心态,当今可与之相比的国家寥寥无几。
3、In the end, as we saw in Gaddafi's downfall, the sons were expected to sacrifice themselves on the pyre of his narcissistic megalomania.───到头来,正如我们在卡扎菲倒台过程中所见证的那样,卡扎菲的儿子们预计将沦为他那自恋式妄自尊大的祭品。
4、He is very bright. He helps me a lot, to not have any fits of megalomania.───他很聪明,他帮了我很多,他帮我不会变成自大狂。
5、His megalomania saw large parts of Europe devastated in his lifetime and forced into communism after the war.───他妄想看到欧洲大部分地区在他的有生之年被摧毁,这些地方却在战后BeiPo进入了GongChan主义。
6、Yet this very megalomania seems to be both the secret to his longevity and to his unhinged nature.───然而,极度的狂妄自大似乎正是他长久统治和错乱心智背后的原因。
7、may lead to megalomania.───可能导致妄自尊大。
8、Taxpayers bear the cost of guaranteeing this fruit of megalomania.───这一自大狂成果的费用由纳税人负担。
9、Thus does the paranoia, megalomania, and fanaticism of the rulers become deadly dangerous to every single person.───于是乎,统治者的偏执、自大和狂热得以变得对所有人都是一种致命的危险。
1、He, too, considers MacArthur's megalomania.
2、But Mr Kim , for all his megalomania and paranoia , is a shrewd tactician.
3、The 1890s saw the triumph of megalomania as size took over and passengers and tracks increased in number.
4、Despite their evident megalomania, no coherent vision informed them.
5、Early success may lead to megalomania.
6、The dictator was suffering from megalomania.
7、Sometimes charming, he could also be egocentric to the point of megalomania.
8、Thaksinwas a self-serving megalomania whoboughthistwo previous electionsandlater stole an billions of THB from Thailand andtheThai people before being ousted.
9、Personally they are petty, self-indulgent and vengeful to a degree that suggests galloping megalomania.