1、Evaluation and Analysis of Errors of Inlet Sediment Feeding System for a Mobile Bed Model───动床模型加沙控制XiTong误差分析及评价
2、We are still not sure how, but this compass interacts with the Earth's magnetic field, helping the bacteria to navigate through sediment to the best feeding grounds.───我们仍然不太确定,但它确实可以对地球磁场产生反应,方便细菌找到最佳的觅食区域。
3、Development of Self-controlled Sediment Feeding Hopper───自控型供沙漏斗的研制
4、water can be used for feeding water of boiler and for some hard sediment in the boiler and can be easily removed.───不会在锅炉内部结成硬垢,并且容易排除。进入钠离子交换器的水。
sediment feeding(意思翻译)
sediment feeding(相似词语短语)
3、cemented sediment───胶结沉积物
4、feeding ground───食物区;聚食场(鸟类、鱼类或野生动物)
5、sediment crossword───泥沙纵横字谜
6、feeding tube───[医] 饲管
7、scaphopoda feeding───肩胛动物饲养
8、feeding time───喂养时间;供料时间
9、biogenous sediment───生物源沉积物
sediment feeding(双语使用场景)
1、Evaluation and Analysis of Errors of Inlet Sediment Feeding System for a Mobile Bed Model───动床模型加沙控制XiTong误差分析及评价
2、We are still not sure how, but this compass interacts with the Earth's magnetic field, helping the bacteria to navigate through sediment to the best feeding grounds.───我们仍然不太确定,但它确实可以对地球磁场产生反应,方便细菌找到最佳的觅食区域。
3、Development of Self-controlled Sediment Feeding Hopper───自控型供沙漏斗的研制
4、water can be used for feeding water of boiler and for some hard sediment in the boiler and can be easily removed.───不会在锅炉内部结成硬垢,并且容易排除。进入钠离子交换器的水。