1、Over the past several hours, online lookups for selena gomez break up, Justin selena split, and Justin bieber single have all hit high notes in the Search box.───就在过去的几个小时里,网上“赛琳娜·戈麦斯分手”“贾斯丁,赛琳娜分手”及“贾斯丁·比伯单身”的搜索量连续攀高。
2、Single environment split across multiple identical sites for availability.───跨多个等同位置的可用性进行单一环境分割。
3、She didn't think about her mothers or sisters and imagined everything that ever mattered depended on the perfect execution of a single split or pivot.───她丝毫没有念及母亲和姊姊们,她只觉得这世上紧要的事情皆取决于她的每个劈叉和旋转是否完美无缺。
4、Flowers bisexual, 6-merous, actinomorphic or sometimes zygomorphic by the presence of a single split.───花两性6瓣,辐射对称的或有时通过一个单个的FenLie的存在左右对称的。
5、With both cameras viewed simultaneously on a single split screen monitor, it really is a very neat solution.───随着这两款相机同时认为在一个FenLie显示器,它确实是一个非常干净的解决办法。
single split(英语使用场景)
1、Mesophyll cell of leaf epidermis can single split into group meristematic cell, then more differentiation make it developed into adventitious bud on leaf margin.
single split(意思翻译)
single split(相似词语短语)
1、stock split───股票分割,股份拆细;股票分割,拆股
3、batter split───面糊FenLie
4、filigran split───菲律宾人FenLie
5、split second───n.瞬间; 刹那;一刹那;极快的
7、split shift───间隔班;交替分次轮班
8、split seconds───一刹那;极快的
9、split open───裂开,劈开,爆裂
single split(双语使用场景)
1、Over the past several hours, online lookups for selena gomez break up, Justin selena split, and Justin bieber single have all hit high notes in the Search box.───就在过去的几个小时里,网上“赛琳娜·戈麦斯分手”“贾斯丁,赛琳娜分手”及“贾斯丁·比伯单身”的搜索量连续攀高。
2、Single environment split across multiple identical sites for availability.───跨多个等同位置的可用性进行单一环境分割。
3、She didn't think about her mothers or sisters and imagined everything that ever mattered depended on the perfect execution of a single split or pivot.───她丝毫没有念及母亲和姊姊们,她只觉得这世上紧要的事情皆取决于她的每个劈叉和旋转是否完美无缺。
4、Flowers bisexual, 6-merous, actinomorphic or sometimes zygomorphic by the presence of a single split.───花两性6瓣,辐射对称的或有时通过一个单个的FenLie的存在左右对称的。
5、With both cameras viewed simultaneously on a single split screen monitor, it really is a very neat solution.───随着这两款相机同时认为在一个FenLie显示器,它确实是一个非常干净的解决办法。
single split(英语使用场景)
1、Mesophyll cell of leaf epidermis can single split into group meristematic cell, then more differentiation make it developed into adventitious bud on leaf margin.