1、The company invests in e-learning as well as classroom-style sessions for employees.───该公司为雇员投资电子学习,还有课堂式会议。
2、Do not underestimate the effect a change in language or a change in classroom style can have on your performance.───不要低估语言和学习方式的转变对你表现的影响。
3、For classroom style, its capacity can be 200 persons.───如果是课堂式格局,它可以容纳200人。
4、For classroom style and boardroom layout, pencil and papers will be provided.───教学及座谈式会议提供铅笔、纸张;
5、Do not underestimate the effect a change in language or a change in classroom style can have on your performance.───千万不要低估语言和学习方式的转变对你表现的影响。
6、And check out the classroom. Does Junior's learning style match the new teacher's approach?───而当孩子们正式开始进入教室学习之后,这些新生的学习方法是否符合新老师的教学手段,或是学校的教学风格呢?
7、The Army also wants resilience to be taught face to face, classroom-style .───部队同时打算以面对面的课堂教学方式教授如何恢复精神。
8、This service takes a more conventional classroom-style approach to teaching so it's better for those that excel in this type of environment.───Eprep采取的是一种更为传统的课堂式教学环境,比较适合在传统环境中成绩不错的考生。
classroom style(意思翻译)
classroom style(相似词语短语)
1、classroom training───课堂培训
2、classroom things───学习用品
4、assassination classroom───暗杀教室
5、google classroom───谷歌教室
6、flipped classroom───翻转课堂教学法
7、english classroom───英语教室,英语课堂
8、style───n.风格;时尚;类型;字体;(植物学)花柱;(动物学)晶杆;vt.设计;称呼;使合潮流;n. (Style)(英)斯泰尔(人名);vi.设计式样;用刻刀作装饰画
9、homeroom classroom───家庭教室
classroom style(双语使用场景)
1、The company invests in e-learning as well as classroom-style sessions for employees.───该公司为雇员投资电子学习,还有课堂式会议。
2、Do not underestimate the effect a change in language or a change in classroom style can have on your performance.───不要低估语言和学习方式的转变对你表现的影响。
3、For classroom style, its capacity can be 200 persons.───如果是课堂式格局,它可以容纳200人。
4、For classroom style and boardroom layout, pencil and papers will be provided.───教学及座谈式会议提供铅笔、纸张;
5、Do not underestimate the effect a change in language or a change in classroom style can have on your performance.───千万不要低估语言和学习方式的转变对你表现的影响。
6、And check out the classroom. Does Junior's learning style match the new teacher's approach?───而当孩子们正式开始进入教室学习之后,这些新生的学习方法是否符合新老师的教学手段,或是学校的教学风格呢?
7、The Army also wants resilience to be taught face to face, classroom-style .───部队同时打算以面对面的课堂教学方式教授如何恢复精神。
8、This service takes a more conventional classroom-style approach to teaching so it's better for those that excel in this type of environment.───Eprep采取的是一种更为传统的课堂式教学环境,比较适合在传统环境中成绩不错的考生。