1、The intellectual energy of a city depends on livability,” he says.───一个城市的精神活力取决于他的居住率,”他说。
2、Conclusion: Good mental status is an important factor for the livability increase of cancer patient during recovery period.───结论:良好的心理状态是提高癌症康复期存活率的重要因素。
3、quality of life and livability of these areas is really heartbreaking.───这些地方的生活质量和宜居性确实令人心碎。
4、Indeed Dalian is one of the few Chinese cities that make it into international livability rankings.───能够荣登国际宜居排行榜的中国城市寥寥无几,而大连正是其中之一。
5、This experiment promoted the livability of bacterial strain in production process which provides practical significance.───该试验大大提高了菌株在生产过程中的存活率,对生产有着实际意义。
6、"The intellectual energy of a city depends on livability, " he says.───“一个城市的精神活力取决于他的居住率,”他说。
7、It was wounding for a city that prides itself on hospitality and livability.───对这个以好客和宜居性引以为荣的城市而言,这就是一种伤害。
8、Conclusion Autoreinfusion in the operation of malignant tumor is feasible, safe and can prolong the livability of the sufferer .───结论自体输血在恶性肿瘤患者手术中的应用是可行性、安全的,能够延长患者的生命。
9、It was wounding for a city that prides itself on hospitality and livability.───这个以好客和宜居性引以为荣的城市而言,这就是一种伤害。
1、Ultimately the livability of the earth for humans is tied to the quality of habitat for wildlife.
2、The quality of life and livability of these areas is really heartbreaking.
3、The new and refurbished public spaces improve the livability and sustainability of Johannesburg — a 2010 legacy that residents and visitors can enjoy years after the final World Cup whistle.
4、Aether has little influence on the cell livability.
5、The study of organ genesis and plant regeneration: Roots and shoots could be differentiated from explants, but the differentiating rate is low and so is livability.
6、The intellectual energy of a city depends on livability, he says.
7、Conclusion: The improved methods of manual purification, cool digestion and dermal scratching may increase the human keratinocyte livability and growth speed.
8、The effect of osmotic pressure on livability, body volume and activity of the tadpoles were analyzed with ANOVA.
9、Objective: To study the hypoxia injury on livability of liver transplantation in rats ambi-operation time.
1、livable city───n.宜居城市
1、The intellectual energy of a city depends on livability,” he says.───一个城市的精神活力取决于他的居住率,”他说。
2、Conclusion: Good mental status is an important factor for the livability increase of cancer patient during recovery period.───结论:良好的心理状态是提高癌症康复期存活率的重要因素。
3、quality of life and livability of these areas is really heartbreaking.───这些地方的生活质量和宜居性确实令人心碎。
4、Indeed Dalian is one of the few Chinese cities that make it into international livability rankings.───能够荣登国际宜居排行榜的中国城市寥寥无几,而大连正是其中之一。
5、This experiment promoted the livability of bacterial strain in production process which provides practical significance.───该试验大大提高了菌株在生产过程中的存活率,对生产有着实际意义。
6、"The intellectual energy of a city depends on livability, " he says.───“一个城市的精神活力取决于他的居住率,”他说。
7、It was wounding for a city that prides itself on hospitality and livability.───对这个以好客和宜居性引以为荣的城市而言,这就是一种伤害。
8、Conclusion Autoreinfusion in the operation of malignant tumor is feasible, safe and can prolong the livability of the sufferer .───结论自体输血在恶性肿瘤患者手术中的应用是可行性、安全的,能够延长患者的生命。
9、It was wounding for a city that prides itself on hospitality and livability.───这个以好客和宜居性引以为荣的城市而言,这就是一种伤害。
1、Ultimately the livability of the earth for humans is tied to the quality of habitat for wildlife.
2、The quality of life and livability of these areas is really heartbreaking.
3、The new and refurbished public spaces improve the livability and sustainability of Johannesburg — a 2010 legacy that residents and visitors can enjoy years after the final World Cup whistle.
4、Aether has little influence on the cell livability.
5、The study of organ genesis and plant regeneration: Roots and shoots could be differentiated from explants, but the differentiating rate is low and so is livability.
6、The intellectual energy of a city depends on livability, he says.
7、Conclusion: The improved methods of manual purification, cool digestion and dermal scratching may increase the human keratinocyte livability and growth speed.
8、The effect of osmotic pressure on livability, body volume and activity of the tadpoles were analyzed with ANOVA.
9、Objective: To study the hypoxia injury on livability of liver transplantation in rats ambi-operation time.