1、By regarding a linear light source as a directional rectangular light source with infinitesimal width, a simple formula is derived for calculating the diffuse reflection component.───通过将线光源看作一个具有无限细小宽度的有向长方形光源,我们得到了一个计算漫反射分量的简洁公式。
2、This sphere serves as a diffuse light source, which enables measurements of the hemispherical reflectance, or the directional absorptance, respectively.───这个球作为扩散光源,使测量的半球形或定向吸收率的反射系数,分别使用。
directional diffuse(意思翻译)
directional diffuse(相似词语短语)
1、directional blur───方向模糊
directional diffuse(双语使用场景)
1、By regarding a linear light source as a directional rectangular light source with infinitesimal width, a simple formula is derived for calculating the diffuse reflection component.───通过将线光源看作一个具有无限细小宽度的有向长方形光源,我们得到了一个计算漫反射分量的简洁公式。
2、This sphere serves as a diffuse light source, which enables measurements of the hemispherical reflectance, or the directional absorptance, respectively.───这个球作为扩散光源,使测量的半球形或定向吸收率的反射系数,分别使用。