1、Modulation domain is a plane domain which is consisted of frequency and time signal axes.───调制域”是由信号的频率和时间两个轴构成的平面域。
2、locations where the objects were found are towards the right of the point where the last signal of the plane was emitted, Amaral said.───发现飞机碎片的地方是飞机最后一次发送信号时所在位置的右方。
3、No matter where the radar signal hits the plane, some of the signal gets reflected back.───雷达信号接触到飞机的任何部位,都会有部分被反射回来。
signal plane(英语使用场景)
1、This paper summarizes the essential scheme considerations of signal plane division method as an algorithm for digital error processor in demodulation loop and presents several valuable circuits.
signal plane(意思翻译)
signal plane(相似词语短语)
2、radio signal───无线电讯号;无线电信号
3、signal words───信号词;标志词
4、signal wire───[通信]信号线
5、alarm signal───[安全]警报信号;n.警报,警报信号
6、signal processing───[通信]信号处理
8、digital signal───[自][通信]数字信号
9、home signal───进站信号(机);[铁路]进站信号;[铁路]进站信号机
signal plane(双语使用场景)
1、Modulation domain is a plane domain which is consisted of frequency and time signal axes.───调制域”是由信号的频率和时间两个轴构成的平面域。
2、locations where the objects were found are towards the right of the point where the last signal of the plane was emitted, Amaral said.───发现飞机碎片的地方是飞机最后一次发送信号时所在位置的右方。
3、No matter where the radar signal hits the plane, some of the signal gets reflected back.───雷达信号接触到飞机的任何部位,都会有部分被反射回来。
signal plane(英语使用场景)
1、This paper summarizes the essential scheme considerations of signal plane division method as an algorithm for digital error processor in demodulation loop and presents several valuable circuits.