1、It is said that he was a supereminent action actor.───据说他是个极为出色的武打演员。
2、We invite Special Food &Beverage service team from Europe and customize supereminent food, so you can enjoy honorable and elegant party.───特聘请欧洲专业餐饮服务团队,特别制定非同凡响的菜式。让您享受聚会,彰显高贵、优雅。
1、As the founder of modern philosopher of human rights, Kant definitely proposed death penalty, whose arguments embodied supereminent rationality.
2、Songlei's unique brand sources and the concept of striving for supereminent service have led in the fashion consumption and the superior quality life style.
1、It is said that he was a supereminent action actor.───据说他是个极为出色的武打演员。
2、We invite Special Food &Beverage service team from Europe and customize supereminent food, so you can enjoy honorable and elegant party.───特聘请欧洲专业餐饮服务团队,特别制定非同凡响的菜式。让您享受聚会,彰显高贵、优雅。
1、As the founder of modern philosopher of human rights, Kant definitely proposed death penalty, whose arguments embodied supereminent rationality.
2、Songlei's unique brand sources and the concept of striving for supereminent service have led in the fashion consumption and the superior quality life style.