2、But now some leading environmental campaigners have performed a U-turn and said that they got it wrong.───但是现在一些知名环保活动者的态度来了一个一百八十度转弯,说他们错了。
3、two singles \U Remind Me\ and \U Got It Bad\ each topped the U.S. Hot 100 singles chart for four and six weeks respectively in the summer and fall.───两支单曲“U Remind Me”以及“U Got It Bad”各自都在夏季以及秋季的Hot 100 singles 上连续四周及六周位居榜首。
4、Unfortunately, I never got to see the commercial because it was for the U. S. Latino audience and Mexico.───很可惜,因为这则广告是播给美国和墨西哥的拉丁裔观众的,所以我从没看过这则广告。
u got it(意思翻译)
u got it(相似词语短语)
1、u it───adj.(南非)外的(等于out)
2、got it───明白了;懂了;完成了(用于答复他人的要求);知道了
3、he got it───他明白了
4、it s got───它有
5、got it out───清除紧张情绪
6、the got it───我知道了
7、got it marian───明白了,玛丽安
8、okay got it───好的,明白了
9、l got it───我明白了 (I Got It);我明白了(got是get的过去式)
u got it(双语使用场景)
1、U got it, u got it bad───你得到它。得到了他的坏
2、But now some leading environmental campaigners have performed a U-turn and said that they got it wrong.───但是现在一些知名环保活动者的态度来了一个一百八十度转弯,说他们错了。
3、two singles \U Remind Me\ and \U Got It Bad\ each topped the U.S. Hot 100 singles chart for four and six weeks respectively in the summer and fall.───两支单曲“U Remind Me”以及“U Got It Bad”各自都在夏季以及秋季的Hot 100 singles 上连续四周及六周位居榜首。
4、Unfortunately, I never got to see the commercial because it was for the U. S. Latino audience and Mexico.───很可惜,因为这则广告是播给美国和墨西哥的拉丁裔观众的,所以我从没看过这则广告。