1、worst failure is over what Mr Heikal calls the elephant in the room: fuel subsidies.───最失败之便是海卡尔(Heikal)所谓的“房间里的大象[1]”:燃料补贴。
2、The book stands to have a powerful impact in policy circles because it points to the elephant in the room.───这本书会给政界带来强大的影响,因为它指出了屋子里的大象(注:指闭口不谈却确实存在的事实)。
3、The elephant in your living room is your Internetconnected security camera, a device people are increasingly using for peace of mind in their homes.───你客厅里的大象就是你的联网安全摄像头,人们逐渐在家里使用它来获得内心的平静。
4、The elephant room is to the gate, and monkey mountain is next to the elephant in the room left angular side.───大象房正对着大门,而猴山则在挨着大象房的左角侧。
elephant room(意思翻译)
elephant room(相似词语短语)
1、big elephant───大象
3、the elephant───大象
4、elephant seal───n.海象,象海豹;n.[脊椎]象海豹;海象
5、african elephant───n.非洲象
6、elephant seals───n.[脊椎]象海豹;海象
7、elephant trunk───[建]象鼻管;溜管;象鼻管,溜管
8、accouchement elephant───住宿大象
9、thai elephant───泰国象
elephant room(双语使用场景)
1、worst failure is over what Mr Heikal calls the elephant in the room: fuel subsidies.───最失败之便是海卡尔(Heikal)所谓的“房间里的大象[1]”:燃料补贴。
2、The book stands to have a powerful impact in policy circles because it points to the elephant in the room.───这本书会给政界带来强大的影响,因为它指出了屋子里的大象(注:指闭口不谈却确实存在的事实)。
3、The elephant in your living room is your Internetconnected security camera, a device people are increasingly using for peace of mind in their homes.───你客厅里的大象就是你的联网安全摄像头,人们逐渐在家里使用它来获得内心的平静。
4、The elephant room is to the gate, and monkey mountain is next to the elephant in the room left angular side.───大象房正对着大门,而猴山则在挨着大象房的左角侧。