1、When you first learn to drive it's 1000 activities like steering, shifting, checking mirrors, braking - but with practice you turned it into autopilot and it's no stress at all.───当你第一次学驾驶时要做1000种动作,比如握方向盘,转弯,看后视镜,踩刹车~——但随着练习,你把它变成了“自动驾驶”,你根本没有什么压力了。
2、rolling contact stress, braking heat energy, thermal crack and mechanical action are key causes of tread spalling.───滚动接触剥离和制动剥离是两种主要剥离类型,滚动接触应力、制动热作用、热裂纹和机械作用是引起剥离的主要原因。
3、temperature and stress field of wagon wheel under the condition of long ramp way cycle braking in Daqin line have been simulated by using FEM and axial symmetry model.───采用轴对称模型和有限元方法,模拟了大秦线长大坡道循环制动条件下货车车轮温度和应力场,结果表明车轮高应力区出现在辐板上,现行制动条件下车轮强度满足使用要求。
braking stress(意思翻译)
braking stress(相似词语短语)
1、alternating stress mean stress───交变应力平均应力
2、dynamic braking───[机]动态制动;[机]动力制动;动力制动,动态制动
3、regenerative braking───再生制动,反馈制动;[电]再生制动;[自]反馈制动
4、shear stress───[力]剪应力;[力]剪切应力;剪应力; 切变应力; 切应力; 粘性摩擦应力
5、financial stress───资金紧张;财务压力
7、M stress───M应力
8、proof stress───[力]弹性极限应力;试验应力;耐力;弹性极限应力,耐力,试验应力; 屈服点
9、residual stress───[力]剩余应力;残余应力
braking stress(双语使用场景)
1、When you first learn to drive it's 1000 activities like steering, shifting, checking mirrors, braking - but with practice you turned it into autopilot and it's no stress at all.───当你第一次学驾驶时要做1000种动作,比如握方向盘,转弯,看后视镜,踩刹车~——但随着练习,你把它变成了“自动驾驶”,你根本没有什么压力了。
2、rolling contact stress, braking heat energy, thermal crack and mechanical action are key causes of tread spalling.───滚动接触剥离和制动剥离是两种主要剥离类型,滚动接触应力、制动热作用、热裂纹和机械作用是引起剥离的主要原因。
3、temperature and stress field of wagon wheel under the condition of long ramp way cycle braking in Daqin line have been simulated by using FEM and axial symmetry model.───采用轴对称模型和有限元方法,模拟了大秦线长大坡道循环制动条件下货车车轮温度和应力场,结果表明车轮高应力区出现在辐板上,现行制动条件下车轮强度满足使用要求。