1、He brought her breakfast in bed on a tray.───他把早餐用托盘给她送到床上。
2、Oh, forget it then. Hey, I told you to put the files on the "in" tray, not on my desk.───哦,那先不提这个了。嘿,我告诉你把文件放在“接收”格里,而不是我的桌子上。
3、In-tray. Let me take your coat.───我帮你放外套。
4、Instead, along with the rest of us, new recruits to most office jobs are likely to view their e-mail in-box as the in-tray that matters.───相反,和我们其他人一样,从事多数办公室工作的新员工可能会将他们的电子邮件收件箱视为重要的公文筐。
5、Most The most pressing issues issue in his presidential entry in-tray will be dealing with the current financial crisis.───在他的公文篮中最迫切的问题就是处理目前的经济危机。
6、He signed his name and placed the letter in his out tray.───他签了名并把信放进了他的发件托盘里。
7、Mr Kan has at least one more pressing item in his in-tray: deteriorating relations with China.───至少又一项任务令菅直人迫在眉睫,那就是:与中国关系的恶化。
8、But she has returned to Berlin facing a worryingly high in-tray.───但她已经回到柏林,面对案头堆积如山的令人焦头烂额的文件。
9、She came in with a tray of drinks.───她端着一托盘饮料走进来。
in tray(英语使用场景)
1、She had a full in tray to deal with when she got back.
2、I carried in tray after tray of Whiskas to the Gairloch store.
in tray(意思翻译)
in tray(相似词语短语)
1、cable tray───电缆槽
2、tray table───盘桌;折叠式餐具小几;茶几; 盘桌
3、tray bills───托盘账单
4、drip tray───化霜水盘;除霜水盘
5、empty tray───空托盘
7、divider tray───分隔器托盘
8、infold tray───折叠纸盒
9、overhead tray───高架托盘
in tray(双语使用场景)
1、He brought her breakfast in bed on a tray.───他把早餐用托盘给她送到床上。
2、Oh, forget it then. Hey, I told you to put the files on the "in" tray, not on my desk.───哦,那先不提这个了。嘿,我告诉你把文件放在“接收”格里,而不是我的桌子上。
3、In-tray. Let me take your coat.───我帮你放外套。
4、Instead, along with the rest of us, new recruits to most office jobs are likely to view their e-mail in-box as the in-tray that matters.───相反,和我们其他人一样,从事多数办公室工作的新员工可能会将他们的电子邮件收件箱视为重要的公文筐。
5、Most The most pressing issues issue in his presidential entry in-tray will be dealing with the current financial crisis.───在他的公文篮中最迫切的问题就是处理目前的经济危机。
6、He signed his name and placed the letter in his out tray.───他签了名并把信放进了他的发件托盘里。
7、Mr Kan has at least one more pressing item in his in-tray: deteriorating relations with China.───至少又一项任务令菅直人迫在眉睫,那就是:与中国关系的恶化。
8、But she has returned to Berlin facing a worryingly high in-tray.───但她已经回到柏林,面对案头堆积如山的令人焦头烂额的文件。
9、She came in with a tray of drinks.───她端着一托盘饮料走进来。
in tray(英语使用场景)
1、She had a full in tray to deal with when she got back.
2、I carried in tray after tray of Whiskas to the Gairloch store.