1、mechanical dimension PCB specification (Fab drawing) available at inspection station under document control?───PC B机械尺寸规格是否按照文件要求在检验站进行管控?
2、Pattern inspection: the pattern inspector should examine the pattern as per casting process drawing after pattern completion.───模具检验:模具制作完毕后,由模具检验员按照铸造工艺图对模具进行检验。
3、quality records, labels and quality inspection reports must carry product name, drawing number, quantity, lot number, inspection date, production date and level.───质量记录、标签、质量检验报告必须标明产品的名称、图号、数量、批次号、检验日期、生产日期及等级。
inspection drawing(意思翻译)
inspection drawing(相似词语短语)
1、inspection insect───检查昆虫
2、inspection report───n.检验报告; 检查[检验]报告;[经管]检验报告
3、customs inspection───海关检查,验关;海关检查,[贸易]验关
4、pest inspection───有害生物监测
5、inspection room───检查室
7、visual inspection───[测]目测;目检;外观检验;肉眼检查
9、axminster inspection───阿克斯明斯特检查
inspection drawing(双语使用场景)
1、mechanical dimension PCB specification (Fab drawing) available at inspection station under document control?───PC B机械尺寸规格是否按照文件要求在检验站进行管控?
2、Pattern inspection: the pattern inspector should examine the pattern as per casting process drawing after pattern completion.───模具检验:模具制作完毕后,由模具检验员按照铸造工艺图对模具进行检验。
3、quality records, labels and quality inspection reports must carry product name, drawing number, quantity, lot number, inspection date, production date and level.───质量记录、标签、质量检验报告必须标明产品的名称、图号、数量、批次号、检验日期、生产日期及等级。