1、The governing equation was derived from the viscoelastic constitution relation by using material derivative.───在控制方程的推导中,对黏弹性本构关系采用物质导数。
2、segmental constitution equation of coal is obtained through fitting method according to the triaxial compression test results and simplified model.───根据试验结果及模型简化拟合得出了常规三轴压缩条件下煤岩的分段本构方程。
3、Methods used to determine the parameters of the function and the constitution equation are given.───给出了确定参数的方法及本构方程。
constitution equation(意思翻译)
constitution equation(相似词语短语)
2、chilean constitution───智利宪法
3、constitution preamble───宪法序言
4、constitution party───宪法党
6、amending constitution───修改宪法
7、counterfeiting constitution───伪造宪法
8、constitution monarchy───君主立宪制
9、constitution articles───宪法条款
constitution equation(双语使用场景)
1、The governing equation was derived from the viscoelastic constitution relation by using material derivative.───在控制方程的推导中,对黏弹性本构关系采用物质导数。
2、segmental constitution equation of coal is obtained through fitting method according to the triaxial compression test results and simplified model.───根据试验结果及模型简化拟合得出了常规三轴压缩条件下煤岩的分段本构方程。
3、Methods used to determine the parameters of the function and the constitution equation are given.───给出了确定参数的方法及本构方程。