1、God's arranging is each one personal a lot of roads for world, wanting to walk one by one to these road everybodies, finishing walking is also the whole life of a person.───上天安排给世间每一个人很多条路,对于这些路每个人都要一条一条的走,走完了也就是一个人的一生。
2、Listening to word of person, visiting road of self own, is one kind of life wisdom and farsightedness, also is one kind of generous life attitude.───听人之言,走己之路,是一种人生的睿智,更是一种达观的生活态度。
3、I am a lonely tree, stood one thousand years on the road, lonely waiting, just for one day when you past me, is you dump, hit not flat you even miss life.───我是一棵孤独的树,千百年来矗立在路旁,寂寞的等待,只为有一天当你从我身边走过时,为你倾倒,砸不扁你就算白活了。
one road one life(意思翻译)
one road one life(相似词语短语)
1、bear one life───承受一次生命
2、my one life───我唯一的生命
3、one the road───一条路
5、one-celled life───单细胞生命
6、only one road───只有一条路
7、one life───一条命
8、one one one───111
9、one one───11
one road one life(双语使用场景)
1、God's arranging is each one personal a lot of roads for world, wanting to walk one by one to these road everybodies, finishing walking is also the whole life of a person.───上天安排给世间每一个人很多条路,对于这些路每个人都要一条一条的走,走完了也就是一个人的一生。
2、Listening to word of person, visiting road of self own, is one kind of life wisdom and farsightedness, also is one kind of generous life attitude.───听人之言,走己之路,是一种人生的睿智,更是一种达观的生活态度。
3、I am a lonely tree, stood one thousand years on the road, lonely waiting, just for one day when you past me, is you dump, hit not flat you even miss life.───我是一棵孤独的树,千百年来矗立在路旁,寂寞的等待,只为有一天当你从我身边走过时,为你倾倒,砸不扁你就算白活了。