1、Tens of thousands of New Orleanians remain in trailers, and a good number of them can expect to be there for a long while yet.───成千上万的新奥尔良居民仍住在简易的房屋中,他们中的许多人看来还要在那里呆很长时间。
2、There was no comment for a long while, and then a report of this in the Russian press to the extent that the police, etc. had "no comment" .───很长一段时间是没有评论的,然后俄罗斯媒体对此的一个报道从某种程度催迫了JingCha局等,(其态度就是)“没有评论”。
3、But the rules of that game will continue to be set by the entrenched hegemon for a long while to come.───但在将来很长时间内,游戏的规则将继续由现有霸权国家来制定。
4、he remained speechless.───他愣了半天没说话。
5、Take my word for it, I'll give you a lesson that you'll remember for a long while.───相信我的话,我会给你一个教训,你会记得很久。
6、She turned the matter over in her mind for a long while, but still could not come to a decision.───她忖量了半天,还拿不定主意。
7、She watched him for a long while and, finally, he put his head on the table, overturning the coffee cup, and wept aloud .───她久久地注视着他。终于,他一头扑在桌子上,碰翻了咖啡杯,失声痛哭起来。
8、She smiled, hid her face in her handkerchief, and for a long while did not uncover it.───她微微一笑,把脸蛋藏进手绢里,久久地不肯把它露出来。
9、Moreover, contrary to the views of some economists, it has been able to do so for a long while and continues to be able to do so.───更有甚者,与某些经济学家的看法相反,中国多年来一直有能力这么做,并继续有能力这么做。
for a long while(英语使用场景)
1、I haven't been there for a long while.
2、We have to shake him for a long while to rouse him from his sleep.
3、They were quarreling for a long while and quietened down at last.
4、We conversed for a long while on the phone.
5、He rang the doorbell for a long while,but there was no answer.
6、She rounded her husband in the ear for a long while.
7、For a long while we had no news of him.
8、After having talked about some household affairs for a long while, we reverted to the original topic.
9、They sat looking at each other for a long while.
for a long while(意思翻译)
for a long while(相似词语短语)
1、a little while───不久, 一会儿; 一时半刻; 少
2、after a while───不久,过一会儿; 不一会儿;过了一会儿
3、wait for a while───等一会儿
4、for a long───很长一段时间
5、a while───一会儿
6、For a while───adv.暂时
7、for long───adv.长久
8、for a long time───长久;且;久;日长岁久;很长时间,很久
9、long for───渴望, 羡慕; 憧憬; 想望; 思
for a long while(双语使用场景)
1、Tens of thousands of New Orleanians remain in trailers, and a good number of them can expect to be there for a long while yet.───成千上万的新奥尔良居民仍住在简易的房屋中,他们中的许多人看来还要在那里呆很长时间。
2、There was no comment for a long while, and then a report of this in the Russian press to the extent that the police, etc. had "no comment" .───很长一段时间是没有评论的,然后俄罗斯媒体对此的一个报道从某种程度催迫了JingCha局等,(其态度就是)“没有评论”。
3、But the rules of that game will continue to be set by the entrenched hegemon for a long while to come.───但在将来很长时间内,游戏的规则将继续由现有霸权国家来制定。
4、he remained speechless.───他愣了半天没说话。
5、Take my word for it, I'll give you a lesson that you'll remember for a long while.───相信我的话,我会给你一个教训,你会记得很久。
6、She turned the matter over in her mind for a long while, but still could not come to a decision.───她忖量了半天,还拿不定主意。
7、She watched him for a long while and, finally, he put his head on the table, overturning the coffee cup, and wept aloud .───她久久地注视着他。终于,他一头扑在桌子上,碰翻了咖啡杯,失声痛哭起来。
8、She smiled, hid her face in her handkerchief, and for a long while did not uncover it.───她微微一笑,把脸蛋藏进手绢里,久久地不肯把它露出来。
9、Moreover, contrary to the views of some economists, it has been able to do so for a long while and continues to be able to do so.───更有甚者,与某些经济学家的看法相反,中国多年来一直有能力这么做,并继续有能力这么做。
for a long while(英语使用场景)
1、I haven't been there for a long while.
2、We have to shake him for a long while to rouse him from his sleep.
3、They were quarreling for a long while and quietened down at last.
4、We conversed for a long while on the phone.
5、He rang the doorbell for a long while,but there was no answer.
6、She rounded her husband in the ear for a long while.
7、For a long while we had no news of him.
8、After having talked about some household affairs for a long while, we reverted to the original topic.
9、They sat looking at each other for a long while.