1、Carrying a backpack, i feel as if i was still preparing for senior high school, but actually my university life is starting.───仿佛昨日我还背着行囊在为新的高中生活准备着,今天就要开始为大学生活摩拳擦掌了。
2、Having made all the money he wanted, Jack left the firm, enrolling at Georgetown University for his doctorate courses in history.───在赚了他想要的钱之后,杰克离开了公司,进入乔治敦大学完成他的历史学博士课程。
3、My daughter is at university.───我女儿在上大学。
4、I heard that he had been the the student of Peking University before. he was expelled from school because he lost himself in the CS world.───我听说他曾经是北京大学的高材生。他因为过分沉浸在CS(一种电子游戏)世界中不可自拔,所以被学校退学。
5、University of California revealed that, at least for women, the touch or sight of a partner seems to anaesthetise them.───加州大学揭示,至少对于女人,触摸或者同伴的目光就能够使得她们缓解情绪。
6、The university offered him only a small loan and he had to come up with the rest of the money himself.───这所大学只提供给他一小笔贷款,余下的要靠他自己去筹集。
7、University was the making of Joe.───大学造就了乔。
8、She goes to Duke University.───她上杜克大学。
9、The only thing I have to care about was to get into a top university. . . My classmates and I spent almost all our time on campus.───我唯一关心的事情就是进入一所DingJi大学……我的同学和我几乎在校园中度过了所有的时间。
9、top university───DingJi大学;一流大学
1、Carrying a backpack, i feel as if i was still preparing for senior high school, but actually my university life is starting.───仿佛昨日我还背着行囊在为新的高中生活准备着,今天就要开始为大学生活摩拳擦掌了。
2、Having made all the money he wanted, Jack left the firm, enrolling at Georgetown University for his doctorate courses in history.───在赚了他想要的钱之后,杰克离开了公司,进入乔治敦大学完成他的历史学博士课程。
3、My daughter is at university.───我女儿在上大学。
4、I heard that he had been the the student of Peking University before. he was expelled from school because he lost himself in the CS world.───我听说他曾经是北京大学的高材生。他因为过分沉浸在CS(一种电子游戏)世界中不可自拔,所以被学校退学。
5、University of California revealed that, at least for women, the touch or sight of a partner seems to anaesthetise them.───加州大学揭示,至少对于女人,触摸或者同伴的目光就能够使得她们缓解情绪。
6、The university offered him only a small loan and he had to come up with the rest of the money himself.───这所大学只提供给他一小笔贷款,余下的要靠他自己去筹集。
7、University was the making of Joe.───大学造就了乔。
8、She goes to Duke University.───她上杜克大学。
9、The only thing I have to care about was to get into a top university. . . My classmates and I spent almost all our time on campus.───我唯一关心的事情就是进入一所DingJi大学……我的同学和我几乎在校园中度过了所有的时间。