1、On average they earn 17 cents for a 12-hour day of back-breaking, bare-handed work, according to a recent report from Plan International.───据最新报道他们平均一天工作12小时,徒手工作累得腰都要断了才能挣得17分。
2、Twenty years of a booming China have meant 20 years of back-breaking work for him.───20年飞速发展的经济对于他来说是20年艰辛的劳动。
3、Translation is literally back-breaking work, which requires intensive mental effort and minimal external distraction.───翻译委实是个非常累人的活计,它需要集中脑力,尽量少受外部干扰。
4、Their legs were misshapen from their heavy work and all the back-breaking tasks that make up the life of the agricultural labourer .───农事劳动者生活中的繁重工作和极端劳累,使得他们的腿都变成畸形的了。
5、Apply the opposite charge and the electrode flips back, breaking the circuit.───利用相反的电荷,电极就会复位,进而断开电路。
6、One major area is that of trafficked Labour with people used for domestic work or, more commonly, for back-breaking Labour in agricultural industries.───一个主要领域是劳动力的非法交易,人们BeiPo从事家务劳动,更普遍的是从事艰苦繁重的农业劳动。
7、In the late 1980s, during a visit to Bangladesh, I saw a woman with her baby on her back, breaking bricks with a hammer.───世纪80年代晚期,在一次出往孟加拉国的任务期间,我看到背着孩子的妇女在用锤子将砖头敲碎。
8、Mr Schoose, meanwhile, is out prospecting at his own mines each weekend. It's back-breaking work, he says, but it is the hope of hitting the gold that motivates.───同时,每周末乔斯先生也忙着对他的金矿进行勘探,他说,对金子的渴望激发动力哪怕这是个累断腰的活。
9、Meanwhile Rhoda's mother is doing back-breaking work on her husband's cabin.───与此同时,罗达的母亲一直在腰酸背痛地忙着建造丈夫的小木屋。
back breaking(意思翻译)
back breaking(相似词语短语)
1、breaking through───[体]突破
2、breaking benjamin───疯狂班哲明乐团
3、breaking off───暂停(breakoff的现在分词);突然停止;折断
4、breaking even───无亏损的经营
5、risked breaking───有破裂的危险
7、breaking into───破门而入(break into的现在分词);破门而入(breakinto的现在分词)
8、breaking up───破裂,分手;解体
9、breaking thequiet───打破沉默
back breaking(双语使用场景)
1、On average they earn 17 cents for a 12-hour day of back-breaking, bare-handed work, according to a recent report from Plan International.───据最新报道他们平均一天工作12小时,徒手工作累得腰都要断了才能挣得17分。
2、Twenty years of a booming China have meant 20 years of back-breaking work for him.───20年飞速发展的经济对于他来说是20年艰辛的劳动。
3、Translation is literally back-breaking work, which requires intensive mental effort and minimal external distraction.───翻译委实是个非常累人的活计,它需要集中脑力,尽量少受外部干扰。
4、Their legs were misshapen from their heavy work and all the back-breaking tasks that make up the life of the agricultural labourer .───农事劳动者生活中的繁重工作和极端劳累,使得他们的腿都变成畸形的了。
5、Apply the opposite charge and the electrode flips back, breaking the circuit.───利用相反的电荷,电极就会复位,进而断开电路。
6、One major area is that of trafficked Labour with people used for domestic work or, more commonly, for back-breaking Labour in agricultural industries.───一个主要领域是劳动力的非法交易,人们BeiPo从事家务劳动,更普遍的是从事艰苦繁重的农业劳动。
7、In the late 1980s, during a visit to Bangladesh, I saw a woman with her baby on her back, breaking bricks with a hammer.───世纪80年代晚期,在一次出往孟加拉国的任务期间,我看到背着孩子的妇女在用锤子将砖头敲碎。
8、Mr Schoose, meanwhile, is out prospecting at his own mines each weekend. It's back-breaking work, he says, but it is the hope of hitting the gold that motivates.───同时,每周末乔斯先生也忙着对他的金矿进行勘探,他说,对金子的渴望激发动力哪怕这是个累断腰的活。
9、Meanwhile Rhoda's mother is doing back-breaking work on her husband's cabin.───与此同时,罗达的母亲一直在腰酸背痛地忙着建造丈夫的小木屋。