1、By default the Unity web player displays a small Unity logo and a progress bar while loading web player content.───默认,在加载网络播放器内容时,Unity网络播放器显示一个小的Unity标志和进度条。
2、Art is art web design and technology high degree of unity, web art design elements include audio-visual design and layout of two elements;───网页艺术设计是艺术与技术的高度统一,网页艺术设计包含视听元素与版式设计两项内容;
3、web is still a platform where size matters a lot, and we want to bring the minimal size of a Unity published WebGL project down further.───网络是个很看重空间大小的平台。我们想把Unity发布的WebGL项目的最小空间进一步缩小。
4、The principles of web arrangement and design include unity principle, balanced principle, subjective principle, comparative principle, proper-layout principle and concise principle.───网页编排设计的原则分为统一性原则、均衡性原则。主体性原则、对比性原则、合理布局原则和简洁性原则。
unity web(意思翻译)
unity web
unity web(相似词语短语)
1、dark web───黑暗网络
2、web nais───妇女网
3、unity manual───统一手册
4、quit unity───放弃团结
6、group unity───群体团结
7、unity war───统一战争
8、unity tiny───统一微小
unity web(双语使用场景)
1、By default the Unity web player displays a small Unity logo and a progress bar while loading web player content.───默认,在加载网络播放器内容时,Unity网络播放器显示一个小的Unity标志和进度条。
2、Art is art web design and technology high degree of unity, web art design elements include audio-visual design and layout of two elements;───网页艺术设计是艺术与技术的高度统一,网页艺术设计包含视听元素与版式设计两项内容;
3、web is still a platform where size matters a lot, and we want to bring the minimal size of a Unity published WebGL project down further.───网络是个很看重空间大小的平台。我们想把Unity发布的WebGL项目的最小空间进一步缩小。
4、The principles of web arrangement and design include unity principle, balanced principle, subjective principle, comparative principle, proper-layout principle and concise principle.───网页编排设计的原则分为统一性原则、均衡性原则。主体性原则、对比性原则、合理布局原则和简洁性原则。