1、He offered this clever (if now slightly dated) example: think of an executive arriving at Heathrow airport on a Virgin Atlantic flight.───他举了一个聪明的例子(如果现在看来有点过时的话):假设一位高管乘坐英国维珍航空公司 (Virgin Atlantic)的航班抵达希思罗机场 (Heathrow Airport)。
2、These came to an end in 2003 after Jones was convicted of assaulting a crew member on board a Virgin Atlantic flight.───但这项合作由于2003年维尼在维尔京大西洋航空公司航班某航班上OuDa一名机组人员被定罪后而宣告结束。
3、As you'd expect, he's sharp - despite having just stepped off a trans-Atlantic flight - and he's quick to correct the wording of a question if he disagrees with it.───和预想中一样,刚刚结束长途飞行的施密特思维很敏锐,他如果不认同提问的措辞方式就会立即纠正。
4、The man who made that first solo trans-Atlantic flight was Charles Lindbergh.───第一个完成独自飞越大西洋飞行的人就是查尔斯.林白。
5、People eof the Book takes place mostly in Europe over several centuries, and would be great reading for a cross-Atlantic flight.───书之人》是一部历史文化小说,时间线横跨数个世纪的欧洲。是一本不错的旅行读物。 。
6、According to the plan, an official from the solar-powered aircraft began in 2012 to carry out trans-Atlantic flight and the United States.───按照计划,正式的太阳能飞机将从2012年开始,进行跨越大西洋和美国的飞行。
7、Looking for European culture without taking a trans-Atlantic flight?───想要探寻欧洲文化但又不想飞越大西洋?
8、A jumbo jet releases as much CO2 into the atmosphere in one cross-Atlantic flight as the average British motorist does in an entire year.───一部巨无霸PenShe机在飞越大西洋的航程中排放到大气中的二气化碳,相当于平均每名英国车辆驾驶一整年制造的量。
9、A canceled trans-Atlantic flight left Norway's Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg grounded in New York.───中转航班取消让挪威首相JensStoltenberg也被困在了纽约。
atlantic flight(意思翻译)
atlantic flight(相似词语短语)
1、atlantic Ocean───n.大西洋
2、overbooked flight───航班超售
4、flight path───n. (Dao Dan)飞行路径,航迹;[航]飞行路线;航线
6、levy flight───列维飞行
7、atlantic coast───大西洋海岸
8、north atlantic───北大西洋
9、high flight───高空飞行
atlantic flight(双语使用场景)
1、He offered this clever (if now slightly dated) example: think of an executive arriving at Heathrow airport on a Virgin Atlantic flight.───他举了一个聪明的例子(如果现在看来有点过时的话):假设一位高管乘坐英国维珍航空公司 (Virgin Atlantic)的航班抵达希思罗机场 (Heathrow Airport)。
2、These came to an end in 2003 after Jones was convicted of assaulting a crew member on board a Virgin Atlantic flight.───但这项合作由于2003年维尼在维尔京大西洋航空公司航班某航班上OuDa一名机组人员被定罪后而宣告结束。
3、As you'd expect, he's sharp - despite having just stepped off a trans-Atlantic flight - and he's quick to correct the wording of a question if he disagrees with it.───和预想中一样,刚刚结束长途飞行的施密特思维很敏锐,他如果不认同提问的措辞方式就会立即纠正。
4、The man who made that first solo trans-Atlantic flight was Charles Lindbergh.───第一个完成独自飞越大西洋飞行的人就是查尔斯.林白。
5、People eof the Book takes place mostly in Europe over several centuries, and would be great reading for a cross-Atlantic flight.───书之人》是一部历史文化小说,时间线横跨数个世纪的欧洲。是一本不错的旅行读物。 。
6、According to the plan, an official from the solar-powered aircraft began in 2012 to carry out trans-Atlantic flight and the United States.───按照计划,正式的太阳能飞机将从2012年开始,进行跨越大西洋和美国的飞行。
7、Looking for European culture without taking a trans-Atlantic flight?───想要探寻欧洲文化但又不想飞越大西洋?
8、A jumbo jet releases as much CO2 into the atmosphere in one cross-Atlantic flight as the average British motorist does in an entire year.───一部巨无霸PenShe机在飞越大西洋的航程中排放到大气中的二气化碳,相当于平均每名英国车辆驾驶一整年制造的量。
9、A canceled trans-Atlantic flight left Norway's Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg grounded in New York.───中转航班取消让挪威首相JensStoltenberg也被困在了纽约。