1、It is now becoming necessary, on a near daily basis, to re-evaluate just how much independence its economy enjoys.───近几天来我们发觉重新评估中国经济的DuLi程度变得越来越有必要。
2、However, closing this chapter in my life allowed me to open a new one, as it caused me to re-evaluate my career goals.───但是,这一章的结束允许我在我的人生中打开另一个新章,因为它使我重新评价我的职业目标。
3、The question now is whether the U. S. will re-evaluate its nuclear power plans in the wake of this latest meltdown.───现在的问题是,意识到最近的堆芯熔融后,美国政府是否愿意再次评估它们的核电站安全?
4、Try to re-evaluate your goals every 2-3 months.───请试着每过2 - 3个月重新调整自己的目标。
5、Re-evaluate your lifestyle.───重新审视你的生活方式。
6、I think it's important that we re-evaluate how much our feelings are really aligned with our actions.───我想重新评估我们的行为与感想的相关性非常重要。
7、We feel that we shall begin and ask you to re-evaluate and ask further at a later session, this somewhat, shall we say, informative point.───我们觉得我们将会展开这个问题,现在要求你在评估之后,在下一次集会询问,因为我们认为,这问题是在信息枢纽上。
8、Taking time to re-evaluate lets you see how far you've come, how much you've accomplished and how far you still have to go.───花时间重新评估能够让你看看你已经走了有多远,你已经做到了多少事情,还有多远的路要走。
9、Maybe our society should re-evaluate games.───也许我们的社会需要重新评定游戏的价值。
1、It made him re-evaluate his philosophy, his life, and gave him a whole new perspective.
2、His clinical experiences taken together provided the basis for, as well as continuing opportunity to re-evaluate, his theory of early emotional development.
3、Attempts to rescue and re-evaluate them are apt to be less rewarding than making a fresh start.
4、The Make-A-Wish Foundation says it will re-evaluate its criteria for granting wishes.
5、The widely reported and oft-satirized partial meltdown at the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant near Harrisburg, Pennsylvania caused many to re-evaluate their image of nuclear power.
6、The foundation also will continue accepting donations and might re-evaluate its closing a year from now if it receives more funding.
7、It also provides an opportunity for the therapist to re-evaluate the need for either additional or alternative treatment.
8、The hospitals agreed to re-evaluate her, and Stanford put her on its waiting list last Thursday.
1、evaluate definition───评估定义
2、evaluate series───评估系列
3、gl re───德国劳埃德船级社
4、evaluate expressions───表达式求值
5、re re───回复
6、re───prep.(用于公函起首介绍主题或回复邮件)关于,兹就;n.来 (C)
7、evaluate the expression───计算表达式
8、evaluate meaning───评价意义
9、evaluate calculator───评估计算器
1、It is now becoming necessary, on a near daily basis, to re-evaluate just how much independence its economy enjoys.───近几天来我们发觉重新评估中国经济的DuLi程度变得越来越有必要。
2、However, closing this chapter in my life allowed me to open a new one, as it caused me to re-evaluate my career goals.───但是,这一章的结束允许我在我的人生中打开另一个新章,因为它使我重新评价我的职业目标。
3、The question now is whether the U. S. will re-evaluate its nuclear power plans in the wake of this latest meltdown.───现在的问题是,意识到最近的堆芯熔融后,美国政府是否愿意再次评估它们的核电站安全?
4、Try to re-evaluate your goals every 2-3 months.───请试着每过2 - 3个月重新调整自己的目标。
5、Re-evaluate your lifestyle.───重新审视你的生活方式。
6、I think it's important that we re-evaluate how much our feelings are really aligned with our actions.───我想重新评估我们的行为与感想的相关性非常重要。
7、We feel that we shall begin and ask you to re-evaluate and ask further at a later session, this somewhat, shall we say, informative point.───我们觉得我们将会展开这个问题,现在要求你在评估之后,在下一次集会询问,因为我们认为,这问题是在信息枢纽上。
8、Taking time to re-evaluate lets you see how far you've come, how much you've accomplished and how far you still have to go.───花时间重新评估能够让你看看你已经走了有多远,你已经做到了多少事情,还有多远的路要走。
9、Maybe our society should re-evaluate games.───也许我们的社会需要重新评定游戏的价值。
1、It made him re-evaluate his philosophy, his life, and gave him a whole new perspective.
2、His clinical experiences taken together provided the basis for, as well as continuing opportunity to re-evaluate, his theory of early emotional development.
3、Attempts to rescue and re-evaluate them are apt to be less rewarding than making a fresh start.
4、The Make-A-Wish Foundation says it will re-evaluate its criteria for granting wishes.
5、The widely reported and oft-satirized partial meltdown at the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant near Harrisburg, Pennsylvania caused many to re-evaluate their image of nuclear power.
6、The foundation also will continue accepting donations and might re-evaluate its closing a year from now if it receives more funding.
7、It also provides an opportunity for the therapist to re-evaluate the need for either additional or alternative treatment.
8、The hospitals agreed to re-evaluate her, and Stanford put her on its waiting list last Thursday.