1、And down here, a pair of shoes, unused, some water, a tracksuit bottoms.───下面在这里,有一双鞋,没有穿过,一些水,一条田径运动裤。
2、His hair is dishevelled and he wears a Kennedy-Nixon T-shirt with the word "LOVE" printed on it in pink, a hood and tracksuit bottoms.───他的头发乱蓬蓬的,身上穿着一件印有肯尼迪和尼克松图案和一个艳粉色的“爱”字的T恤,一件帽衫,下穿一条宽松裤。
3、Kostya received the privileges afforded by athletes: food coupons, a new tracksuit, occasional trips to cities in western Siberia and northern Kazakhstan.───克斯特亚得到了运动员所能获得的特权:食品券,一身新运动服,偶尔还能去西伯利亚西部和哈萨克北部的城市旅游。
4、"My mobile phone is in my pants pocket, " said Mr. Wang, who was wearing a tracksuit.───“我的手机在裤袋里,”王先生说道,他当时正穿着便服。
5、She is wearing a red tracksuit flame generally, her hand in badminton court badminton racket, and chased the badminton.───她身穿一件犹如火焰一般火红的运动服,她手拿羽毛球拍,在羽毛球场上来回追赶着羽毛球。
6、Rita: But look at you. You always wear a tracksuit and those sports shoes. You look very sporty.───莉达:但是看看你。你经常穿着运动服装,还有那双运动鞋,你看来很好动啊。
7、She wore blue tracksuit bottoms.───她下穿蓝色田径裤。
8、He shook his head, then rolled up his tracksuit leg to reveal an inky series of scratchings covering his calf, which depicted... I don't really know what.───他摇摇头,然后卷起运动服裤腿,露出他小腿上覆盖的一系列墨水划痕,画的是…… 我实在看不出来是什么。
9、Dressed in a tracksuit, he gives the air of a local warlord.───穿着田径装,他颇有当地军阀的气质。
1、tracksuit bottom───运动服DiKu
1、And down here, a pair of shoes, unused, some water, a tracksuit bottoms.───下面在这里,有一双鞋,没有穿过,一些水,一条田径运动裤。
2、His hair is dishevelled and he wears a Kennedy-Nixon T-shirt with the word "LOVE" printed on it in pink, a hood and tracksuit bottoms.───他的头发乱蓬蓬的,身上穿着一件印有肯尼迪和尼克松图案和一个艳粉色的“爱”字的T恤,一件帽衫,下穿一条宽松裤。
3、Kostya received the privileges afforded by athletes: food coupons, a new tracksuit, occasional trips to cities in western Siberia and northern Kazakhstan.───克斯特亚得到了运动员所能获得的特权:食品券,一身新运动服,偶尔还能去西伯利亚西部和哈萨克北部的城市旅游。
4、"My mobile phone is in my pants pocket, " said Mr. Wang, who was wearing a tracksuit.───“我的手机在裤袋里,”王先生说道,他当时正穿着便服。
5、She is wearing a red tracksuit flame generally, her hand in badminton court badminton racket, and chased the badminton.───她身穿一件犹如火焰一般火红的运动服,她手拿羽毛球拍,在羽毛球场上来回追赶着羽毛球。
6、Rita: But look at you. You always wear a tracksuit and those sports shoes. You look very sporty.───莉达:但是看看你。你经常穿着运动服装,还有那双运动鞋,你看来很好动啊。
7、She wore blue tracksuit bottoms.───她下穿蓝色田径裤。
8、He shook his head, then rolled up his tracksuit leg to reveal an inky series of scratchings covering his calf, which depicted... I don't really know what.───他摇摇头,然后卷起运动服裤腿,露出他小腿上覆盖的一系列墨水划痕,画的是…… 我实在看不出来是什么。
9、Dressed in a tracksuit, he gives the air of a local warlord.───穿着田径装,他颇有当地军阀的气质。