1、Though it was written more than two hundred years ago, the book still holds a place as one of the great works of historical analysis.───这本书虽然已经两百年了,但是在历史分析名著中仍然占有重要的地位。
2、I made me great works; I builded me houses; I planted me vineyards.───我为自己动大工程,建造房屋,栽种葡萄园。
3、The great works can never do any harm to a mind, which, having no impression at all, can have no false impression.───伟大的作品不可能会对一个人的思想带来什么害处,因为对它们既然完全没有印象,何来错误的印象。
4、Literal translation and interpretation of one of the most ancient and secret of the great works of ancient wisdom.───最古老之一的文字翻译与解释以及古老智慧最伟大著作的秘密。
5、If people disregard the great works of the past, it is because these works no longer answer the needs of the present.───如果人们忽视了过去的伟大成就,是因为这些成就不再满足现今的需要了。
6、In such a great era of profound historic transformations, we are short of great works reflecting the changeable time.───在这样一个深刻的历史变革的伟大时代里,反映时代风云变幻的大作品是匮乏的。
7、Many great works of literature were written to be read out loud.───很多文学巨作需要大声朗读出来。
8、It held an overwhelming ensemble of great works, now scattered around the world, with notable treasures in London.───现在这些艺术品散落到了世界各处。其中一些珍贵艺术品在伦敦收藏保存。
9、Civilization progresses that way. And the part that we cherish, great works of art, usually come out of that.───文明就是这样发展的,我们所珍视的,伟大的艺术作品,往往就来自于这种粗俗化。
great works(英语使用场景)
1、Great works of classical music can often call forth a mixture of responses from the listener.
2、Naturally, the public display of great works of art led to a demand for imitations for enjoyment by wealthy individuals.
3、Great works are performed not by strengh, but by perseverance.
4、He had finished his great works by the end of 1980.
5、Barthes managed to leave the great works of literature intact.
6、Genius begins great works; labor alone finishes them. Joseph Joubert
7、Great works are performed, not by strength, but by perseverance. Samuel Johnson
8、His interests were playing and teaching the great works of the standard repertoire.
9、Many of our great works of art are being sold and exported.
great works(意思翻译)
great works(相似词语短语)
2、armorer works───军械库
3、engineering works───工程建筑物;机器制造厂
4、brain works───脑力劳动
6、ilium works───髂骨工程
7、great great───好极了好极了
8、skunk works───臭鼬工厂;特殊团队
9、literary works───[法] 文学作品
great works(双语使用场景)
1、Though it was written more than two hundred years ago, the book still holds a place as one of the great works of historical analysis.───这本书虽然已经两百年了,但是在历史分析名著中仍然占有重要的地位。
2、I made me great works; I builded me houses; I planted me vineyards.───我为自己动大工程,建造房屋,栽种葡萄园。
3、The great works can never do any harm to a mind, which, having no impression at all, can have no false impression.───伟大的作品不可能会对一个人的思想带来什么害处,因为对它们既然完全没有印象,何来错误的印象。
4、Literal translation and interpretation of one of the most ancient and secret of the great works of ancient wisdom.───最古老之一的文字翻译与解释以及古老智慧最伟大著作的秘密。
5、If people disregard the great works of the past, it is because these works no longer answer the needs of the present.───如果人们忽视了过去的伟大成就,是因为这些成就不再满足现今的需要了。
6、In such a great era of profound historic transformations, we are short of great works reflecting the changeable time.───在这样一个深刻的历史变革的伟大时代里,反映时代风云变幻的大作品是匮乏的。
7、Many great works of literature were written to be read out loud.───很多文学巨作需要大声朗读出来。
8、It held an overwhelming ensemble of great works, now scattered around the world, with notable treasures in London.───现在这些艺术品散落到了世界各处。其中一些珍贵艺术品在伦敦收藏保存。
9、Civilization progresses that way. And the part that we cherish, great works of art, usually come out of that.───文明就是这样发展的,我们所珍视的,伟大的艺术作品,往往就来自于这种粗俗化。
great works(英语使用场景)
1、Great works of classical music can often call forth a mixture of responses from the listener.
2、Naturally, the public display of great works of art led to a demand for imitations for enjoyment by wealthy individuals.
3、Great works are performed not by strengh, but by perseverance.
4、He had finished his great works by the end of 1980.
5、Barthes managed to leave the great works of literature intact.
6、Genius begins great works; labor alone finishes them. Joseph Joubert
7、Great works are performed, not by strength, but by perseverance. Samuel Johnson
8、His interests were playing and teaching the great works of the standard repertoire.
9、Many of our great works of art are being sold and exported.