1、Sean Beavan, who mixed Antichrist Superstar, Mechanical Animals, and Eat Me, Drink Me, is co-producer of the album.───肖恩比万,谁混合反基督超级明星,机械动物,吃掉我,喝我的,是联合制作的相册。
2、The concept of individual includes, in a broad sense, humans, animals, organisms, organizations, natural phenomena and mechanical sys-tem etc.───个体的概念非常广泛,人、动物、有机物、组织、自然现象和机械XiTong等都是个体。
3、Using these probes, they are applying defined mechanical stress to cells and animals and measuring how specific proteins respond. Thomas M.───应用这些探针,他们正在界定细胞和动物的机械应力,测量应激时特定蛋白质产生的应力大小。
mechanical animals(意思翻译)
mechanical animals(相似词语短语)
2、mechanical mixture───机械混合物
3、mechanical properties───机械性能;机械性质;机械性能,机械性质,机械特性
4、mechanical performance───机械性能
5、mechanical testing───机械试验法
7、mechanical power───[电] 机械功率
8、mechanical ventilation───[矿业][建]机械通风;强制通风;机械通风,强制通风
9、mechanical layer───机械层
mechanical animals(双语使用场景)
1、Sean Beavan, who mixed Antichrist Superstar, Mechanical Animals, and Eat Me, Drink Me, is co-producer of the album.───肖恩比万,谁混合反基督超级明星,机械动物,吃掉我,喝我的,是联合制作的相册。
2、The concept of individual includes, in a broad sense, humans, animals, organisms, organizations, natural phenomena and mechanical sys-tem etc.───个体的概念非常广泛,人、动物、有机物、组织、自然现象和机械XiTong等都是个体。
3、Using these probes, they are applying defined mechanical stress to cells and animals and measuring how specific proteins respond. Thomas M.───应用这些探针,他们正在界定细胞和动物的机械应力,测量应激时特定蛋白质产生的应力大小。