1、She died of a single stab wound to the heart.───她因心脏被刺中一刀而身亡。
2、Experts say Paris is right: for a sudden heart failure, the single best chance for survival is having someone nearby step in and do CPR quickly.───专家称帕里斯的做法是正确的:对于突发性心力衰竭,最好的办法是周围的人迅速对其进行心肺复苏。
3、Final 2006 statistics for the United States show that coronary heart disease (CHD) is the single leading cause of death in America. CHD causes heart attack and angina.───美国的最后统计显示冠心病是美国单一的首要死亡因素,冠心病能引起心脏病突发及心绞痛。
heart single(意思翻译)
heart single(相似词语短语)
1、single proprietorship───[经]独资;独资企业;所有权
2、single player───单人游戏;单人模式;单人游戏; 单人模式
3、single adult───单身成人
4、single father───单身父亲
5、single professor───单身教授
6、single house───独栋别墅;DuLi房
7、heart heart───心
8、respostim single───单一响应
heart single(双语使用场景)
1、She died of a single stab wound to the heart.───她因心脏被刺中一刀而身亡。
2、Experts say Paris is right: for a sudden heart failure, the single best chance for survival is having someone nearby step in and do CPR quickly.───专家称帕里斯的做法是正确的:对于突发性心力衰竭,最好的办法是周围的人迅速对其进行心肺复苏。
3、Final 2006 statistics for the United States show that coronary heart disease (CHD) is the single leading cause of death in America. CHD causes heart attack and angina.───美国的最后统计显示冠心病是美国单一的首要死亡因素,冠心病能引起心脏病突发及心绞痛。