1、Whatever your budget is the choice -from basic barn to small hotel, from tiny cottage to grand castle - is all part of fun.───无论你的预算是选择从基本谷仓到小旅馆,小平房到宏伟的城堡-是所有的乐趣的一部分。
2、Medieval England wins the gross-out award for its invention of the castle garderobe - a protruding room with a tiny opening out of which royalty would do their business.───中世纪的英格兰因为其城堡厕所的发明赢得了最糟糕的大奖——这种厕所是城堡里延伸出的一个空间并有一个开口与外面相通,这里可供王室们处理他们自己的事。
3、Cherich the tiny sand and you will own a giant castle in no time!───你不轻易舍弃一粒沙子,那么你将会很快拥有一座巨大的城堡。
tiny castle(意思翻译)
tiny castle(相似词语短语)
1、minim tiny───极小极小
3、tiny rails───小铁轨
5、blenheim castle───布伦海姆城堡
6、tiny amount───微小额;点
7、tiny homes───小房子
8、tiny figure───身材娇小
9、tiny tot───小不点儿
tiny castle(双语使用场景)
1、Whatever your budget is the choice -from basic barn to small hotel, from tiny cottage to grand castle - is all part of fun.───无论你的预算是选择从基本谷仓到小旅馆,小平房到宏伟的城堡-是所有的乐趣的一部分。
2、Medieval England wins the gross-out award for its invention of the castle garderobe - a protruding room with a tiny opening out of which royalty would do their business.───中世纪的英格兰因为其城堡厕所的发明赢得了最糟糕的大奖——这种厕所是城堡里延伸出的一个空间并有一个开口与外面相通,这里可供王室们处理他们自己的事。
3、Cherich the tiny sand and you will own a giant castle in no time!───你不轻易舍弃一粒沙子,那么你将会很快拥有一座巨大的城堡。