1、A face was painted on the sun. Blue eyes, big red mouth, turned upwards in a smile. It was happy, and looking at it made me happy.───太阳上画了一张脸……蓝眼睛,大红嘴,嘴角上翘露出笑意。这画是欢快的,看着它一种快乐的感觉在我心中油然而生。
2、GO AWAY, big red mouth!───走开,红色的大嘴巴!
3、She has two big eyes, a high nose and a small red mouth.───她有一双大大的眼睛,一个高高的鼻子和一个小小的红色的嘴巴。
4、He's got a pink nose, a big red mouth, big ears, brown arms, big hands and big feet.───他有着粉色的鼻子,又大又红的嘴巴,大大的耳朵,棕色的手臂,还有大大的手和脚。
big red mouth(意思翻译)
big red mouth(相似词语短语)
1、big eye arm red───大眼臂红
2、have a big mouth───v.大声说话; 说话冒失;大声说话;说话冒失
3、mouth of───口
4、big and red───又大又红
5、big mouth───多嘴者;n.嘴不严,多嘴
6、a big mouth───大嘴巴
7、red and big───又红又大
8、his big mouth───他的大嘴巴
big red mouth(双语使用场景)
1、A face was painted on the sun. Blue eyes, big red mouth, turned upwards in a smile. It was happy, and looking at it made me happy.───太阳上画了一张脸……蓝眼睛,大红嘴,嘴角上翘露出笑意。这画是欢快的,看着它一种快乐的感觉在我心中油然而生。
2、GO AWAY, big red mouth!───走开,红色的大嘴巴!
3、She has two big eyes, a high nose and a small red mouth.───她有一双大大的眼睛,一个高高的鼻子和一个小小的红色的嘴巴。
4、He's got a pink nose, a big red mouth, big ears, brown arms, big hands and big feet.───他有着粉色的鼻子,又大又红的嘴巴,大大的耳朵,棕色的手臂,还有大大的手和脚。