1、Indian experts have begun a six-month project to clean the white marble archways, carvings and crannies of Taj Mahal — the world's greatest monument to love by coating them in a special mud.───印度泰姬陵堪称世界上最伟大的爱情纪念碑。日前,印度有关专家开始对泰姬陵的表面进行翻新,他们将在泰姬陵的大理石拱门、雕刻和裂缝处敷上一层特制的粘土。整个翻新工程将持续六个月。
2、Focus on imitation marble paint granite, water bag water (liquid) twelve years texture coating, quality assurance, reasonable price, trustworthy!───专注仿大理石漆(液态花岗岩、水包水)质感涂料十二年,品质保证,价格合理,值得信赖!
3、Recommended substrate: harden PC, harden PMMA, the surface of UV coating, electroplating layer, stainless steel, stone, marble, glass, etc.───基材:加硬pc,加硬pmma, UV漆面,电镀面,不锈钢,石头,大理石,玻璃等。
marble coating(意思翻译)
marble coating(相似词语短语)
1、seed coating───[植]种皮
2、marble arch───大理石拱门(有名的伦敦标志);[地名] [利比亚] 大理石拱门村
4、coating buffer───涂层缓冲液
6、marble hallsz───大理石,你听到了吗?
7、cipolin marble───西坡林大理岩
8、coating thickness───[电] 涂膜厚度
9、conformal coating───保形[角]涂料;敷形涂料;保形涂层,保形涂敷
marble coating(双语使用场景)
1、Indian experts have begun a six-month project to clean the white marble archways, carvings and crannies of Taj Mahal — the world's greatest monument to love by coating them in a special mud.───印度泰姬陵堪称世界上最伟大的爱情纪念碑。日前,印度有关专家开始对泰姬陵的表面进行翻新,他们将在泰姬陵的大理石拱门、雕刻和裂缝处敷上一层特制的粘土。整个翻新工程将持续六个月。
2、Focus on imitation marble paint granite, water bag water (liquid) twelve years texture coating, quality assurance, reasonable price, trustworthy!───专注仿大理石漆(液态花岗岩、水包水)质感涂料十二年,品质保证,价格合理,值得信赖!
3、Recommended substrate: harden PC, harden PMMA, the surface of UV coating, electroplating layer, stainless steel, stone, marble, glass, etc.───基材:加硬pc,加硬pmma, UV漆面,电镀面,不锈钢,石头,大理石,玻璃等。