1、After Labor Day we start classes.───劳动节之后我们就开学了。
2、The labor often described in books, in childbirth education classes, and by practitioners is what is typical—close to what many women can expect.───里的,生产XueXiBan上的以及在医生口中的分娩往往是典型的——接近于多数人能感受到的。
3、To help you prepare for labor, many hospitals and other organizations offer classes (such as lamaze) to help you have a smooth delivery.───为了准备好分娩,许多医院和相关组织会开办一些课程来帮助你有个顺利的分娩过程。
labor classes(意思翻译)
labor classes(相似词语短语)
1、effacing labor───减轻劳动
2、manual labor───n.体力劳动;体力劳动;手工
3、labor contract───n.劳工合同
5、labor market───n.劳动市场;劳动市场;劳工市场
7、labor cost───劳工成本,人工成本;人工成本;工资;劳工成本
9、constant labor───持续劳动
labor classes(双语使用场景)
1、After Labor Day we start classes.───劳动节之后我们就开学了。
2、The labor often described in books, in childbirth education classes, and by practitioners is what is typical—close to what many women can expect.───里的,生产XueXiBan上的以及在医生口中的分娩往往是典型的——接近于多数人能感受到的。
3、To help you prepare for labor, many hospitals and other organizations offer classes (such as lamaze) to help you have a smooth delivery.───为了准备好分娩,许多医院和相关组织会开办一些课程来帮助你有个顺利的分娩过程。