1、turmoil at the top of the sports ministry should have little effect on the preparations for the big sporting events Brazil is soon to host.───的动荡不应对巴西筹备即将举办的体育盛会有什么影响。
2、After Montreal and Calgary, it is now the turn of the west coast of this wonderful sports loving nation to host the world's athletes.───继蒙特利尔和卡尔加里后,轮到西海岸度上神奇,热爱运动的加拿大人民来迎接世界各地的运动员。
3、The Shenzhen Bay Sports Center Stadium, nick-named Spring Cocoon played host to the ceremony that featured a wealth of high-tech elements and spectacular visual effects.───昵称为“春茧”的深圳湾体育中心上演了这场以大量高科技元素和壮观的视觉效果为特色的开幕式。
sports host(意思翻译)
sports host(相似词语短语)
1、jeopardy host───危险宿主
2、host parents───寄宿家庭的父母
3、host family───寄宿家庭;接待留学生的家庭
4、host country───东道国;主办国;所在国;东道国; 所在国
5、begrudging host───吝啬的主人
7、tv host───电视主持人
9、host club───主办俱乐部
sports host(双语使用场景)
1、turmoil at the top of the sports ministry should have little effect on the preparations for the big sporting events Brazil is soon to host.───的动荡不应对巴西筹备即将举办的体育盛会有什么影响。
2、After Montreal and Calgary, it is now the turn of the west coast of this wonderful sports loving nation to host the world's athletes.───继蒙特利尔和卡尔加里后,轮到西海岸度上神奇,热爱运动的加拿大人民来迎接世界各地的运动员。
3、The Shenzhen Bay Sports Center Stadium, nick-named Spring Cocoon played host to the ceremony that featured a wealth of high-tech elements and spectacular visual effects.───昵称为“春茧”的深圳湾体育中心上演了这场以大量高科技元素和壮观的视觉效果为特色的开幕式。