9、peevishly disagreeable 7 little words───暴躁不愉快的7个小字
10、great achievements───硕果
1、My ICONS buttons are still greyed out.───我的图标按钮仍然是灰色。
2、He was lying propped up on two pillows, his solid head with its growth of once dark brown hair slightly greyed.───他用两个枕头支着躺在那儿,他那向来盖着深褐色头发的脑袋,现在已经微微有点灰白了。
3、d. Groups that the user does not belong to should be visible, but greyed out with no hover effect.───四组用户不属于应是可见的,但没有灰色悬停效果了。
4、Now, if you look to the bottom left hand corner of the IBM Cognos Upgrade Manager UI you will see these 2 greyed icons and links.───现在,如果看IBMCognosUpgradeManagerUI的左下角,您会看到这2个灰色的图标和链接。
5、mother had greyed for house prices.───妈妈为房子的房价愁白了头。
6、Fixed contract length being greyed out with a date of Jan 1900.───修正了合同的长度为1900年一月且不能修改的状况。
7、Sorrow has greyed his head.───悲伤使他的头发变白了。
8、Though still youthful and strikingly petite, his tussled hair has greyed and his lips purse tightly as if against a lifetime of indignities.───尽管仍然年轻,突出娇小,他扭打灰色的头发和他的嘴唇紧紧钱包好像对一生的屈辱。
9、These greyed icons indicate to you that IBM Cognos Upgrade Manager has not currently connected to the Source or Target systems.───这些灰色的图标向您指出,IBMCognosUpgradeManager当前没有连接到源或目标XiTong。
1、Her face was gaunt and grey.
2、Sam's face was grey with fatigue.
3、At night, all cats are grey.
4、A fox may grow grey, but never good.
5、Jean was mounted on a grey mare.
6、Care brings grey hair.
7、His hair was increasingly flecked with grey.
8、An evening red and a morning grey, is a sign of a fair day.
【名】 (Grey)(英、法)格雷(人名)
1、greet her───向她问好
2、disaggregate rnoa───分解rnoa
3、green bird group───青鸟集团
4、evergreens in bulk───散装常青树
5、dishonesty in the great gatsby───《了不起的盖茨比》中的不诚实
6、greediness define───贪婪定义
7、greet meaning───问候的意思
8、green bag───律师;律师行业
9、peevishly disagreeable 7 little words───暴躁不愉快的7个小字
10、great achievements───硕果
1、My ICONS buttons are still greyed out.───我的图标按钮仍然是灰色。
2、He was lying propped up on two pillows, his solid head with its growth of once dark brown hair slightly greyed.───他用两个枕头支着躺在那儿,他那向来盖着深褐色头发的脑袋,现在已经微微有点灰白了。
3、d. Groups that the user does not belong to should be visible, but greyed out with no hover effect.───四组用户不属于应是可见的,但没有灰色悬停效果了。
4、Now, if you look to the bottom left hand corner of the IBM Cognos Upgrade Manager UI you will see these 2 greyed icons and links.───现在,如果看IBMCognosUpgradeManagerUI的左下角,您会看到这2个灰色的图标和链接。
5、mother had greyed for house prices.───妈妈为房子的房价愁白了头。
6、Fixed contract length being greyed out with a date of Jan 1900.───修正了合同的长度为1900年一月且不能修改的状况。
7、Sorrow has greyed his head.───悲伤使他的头发变白了。
8、Though still youthful and strikingly petite, his tussled hair has greyed and his lips purse tightly as if against a lifetime of indignities.───尽管仍然年轻,突出娇小,他扭打灰色的头发和他的嘴唇紧紧钱包好像对一生的屈辱。
9、These greyed icons indicate to you that IBM Cognos Upgrade Manager has not currently connected to the Source or Target systems.───这些灰色的图标向您指出,IBMCognosUpgradeManager当前没有连接到源或目标XiTong。
1、Her face was gaunt and grey.
2、Sam's face was grey with fatigue.
3、At night, all cats are grey.
4、A fox may grow grey, but never good.
5、Jean was mounted on a grey mare.
6、Care brings grey hair.
7、His hair was increasingly flecked with grey.
8、An evening red and a morning grey, is a sign of a fair day.
9、The fox may grow grey, but never good.