1、I am also pleased, together with her mother said, all the more happy and more light on the stone bench in between that of the around.───我也很高兴,再加上妈妈这么一说,就更快活了,就越发轻盈地在那个石凳间的空隙间跳来跳去了了。
2、Of course there was birthdays and Christmas but in between times too if I saw something I thought he'd like I get it for him.───当然在生日和圣诞时,但是在其间,如果我看到什么我认为他会喜欢的东西时,我也会买给他。
3、house was near a park but there was a road in between.───房子在一处公园附近,但两者之间隔着一条马路。
4、I can slot you in between 3 and 4.───我可以把你ChaDao第3和第4之间。
5、He took her free hand, letting his fingers in between hers, climbed AT her side the two concrete steps.───他握住她那只没拿东西的手,手指插在她的手指间,同她肩并肩地跨上两级水泥台阶。
6、They took a bath together, and later a shower, in between rounds, and by the time they were sated it was the middle of the night.───过后,他们一起洗了个澡。晚些时候,下了一场雨,雨丝漂浮在这城市的钢筋水泥间。
7、In between come all the hundreds of little steps, some of them imperceptible, each of them preparing you not to be shocked by the next.───在这两件事之间有几百个小步骤发生,有些根本无从察觉,每个小步骤都让你做好准备,不会被下一个小步骤震惊到。
8、I see her most weekends but not very often in between.───我周末大多都能见到她,但平时不常见到。
9、what's money? a man is a succesee if he gets up in the morning and goes to bed at night and in between does he wants to do.───什么是金钱?如果一个人可以在清晨起床,夜晚睡觉而且在这期间可以做任何他想做的事,那么他就是有钱人。
1、caught between───夹在……之间(caught是catch的过去分词)
2、between ourselves───秘密地,别告诉别人;只限于咱们之间;秘密的
3、winking in between───在中间眨眼
4、everything in between───中间的一切
5、choose between───在…之间选择
6、everything else in between───其他的一切
7、between job───工作间隙
8、in liquidation between───清算期间
1、I am also pleased, together with her mother said, all the more happy and more light on the stone bench in between that of the around.───我也很高兴,再加上妈妈这么一说,就更快活了,就越发轻盈地在那个石凳间的空隙间跳来跳去了了。
2、Of course there was birthdays and Christmas but in between times too if I saw something I thought he'd like I get it for him.───当然在生日和圣诞时,但是在其间,如果我看到什么我认为他会喜欢的东西时,我也会买给他。
3、house was near a park but there was a road in between.───房子在一处公园附近,但两者之间隔着一条马路。
4、I can slot you in between 3 and 4.───我可以把你ChaDao第3和第4之间。
5、He took her free hand, letting his fingers in between hers, climbed AT her side the two concrete steps.───他握住她那只没拿东西的手,手指插在她的手指间,同她肩并肩地跨上两级水泥台阶。
6、They took a bath together, and later a shower, in between rounds, and by the time they were sated it was the middle of the night.───过后,他们一起洗了个澡。晚些时候,下了一场雨,雨丝漂浮在这城市的钢筋水泥间。
7、In between come all the hundreds of little steps, some of them imperceptible, each of them preparing you not to be shocked by the next.───在这两件事之间有几百个小步骤发生,有些根本无从察觉,每个小步骤都让你做好准备,不会被下一个小步骤震惊到。
8、I see her most weekends but not very often in between.───我周末大多都能见到她,但平时不常见到。
9、what's money? a man is a succesee if he gets up in the morning and goes to bed at night and in between does he wants to do.───什么是金钱?如果一个人可以在清晨起床,夜晚睡觉而且在这期间可以做任何他想做的事,那么他就是有钱人。