1、But she also stressed that Russia's position on the disputed territory has not changed.───但她同时强调,俄罗斯在争议领土问题上的立场没有发生改变。
2、Almost all of the killings occurred in this disputed territory, which sported particularly fine stands of the chimps’ favourite fruit-tree.───几乎所有的厮杀都在这片“有争议的土地上展开,特别适合黑猩猩最喜爱的果树座落于这个区域,对黑猩猩诱惑很大。
3、A Japanese foreign ministry spokesman, Hidenobu Sobashima, said the two officials discussed the disputed territory, but in general terms.───日本外务省一名发言人侧岛秀展说,两国外长曾经谈到有关这项领土争论的问题,但仅止于一般性的讨论。
4、One problem is disputed territory (see map).───一个问题是领土争议(看地图)。
5、Iranian state media said Mr. Ahmadinejad traveled to the disputed territory last week to deal with domestic issues.───YiLang国家媒体说,内贾德上周前往这个有争议的领土是为了处理国内事务。
6、The Republicans will doubtless claw back some lost ground in November, but the Rockies will remain disputed territory.───共和党人无疑要在11月的时候夺回一些失掉的领地,然而落基山脉地区仍是一处大家会对其议论颇多的区域。
7、Taiwan at the weekend reiterated its claim to the Spratlys, and said missile boats and tanks could be deployed to disputed territory.───周末,TaiWan重申了它对南沙群岛的主张,并表示DaoDan快艇和坦克可以在领土争议方面部署。
8、Vietnam was also angered by a recent call from China for oil exploration in disputed territory.───越南也因为最近中国在争端区域进行石油开采表示恼怒。
9、At the time Azerbaijan was in conflict with neighbouring Armenia over the disputed territory of Nagorno-Karabakh.───当时,阿塞拜疆与领国亚美尼亚就纳卡地区领土的争端问题发生了冲突。
disputed territory(英语使用场景)
1、A disputed territory of southwest Asia between Israel and Jordan west of the Jordan River.
2、The fact that we had ventured into disputed territory meant nothing to my father.
3、Talks have broken down over the disputed territory.
4、They warred over disputed territory.
5、The two cats challenged each other for the disputed territory - it was a diamond cut diamond.
6、Every day there've been two to three flights taking off from Zagreb and flying across disputed territory to Sarajevo.
7、At the time Azerbaijan was in conflict with neighbouring Armenia over the disputed territory of Nagorno - Karabakh.
8、His position has always been: declare Jammu and Kashmir a disputed territory, demilitarise it, withdraw all draconian laws, release all political prisoners, and make the talks trilateral.
9、Pye's own estate lay in disputed territory which changed hands at least twice.
disputed territory(意思翻译)
disputed territory(相似词语短语)
1、territory code───地区代码
3、vast territory───幅员辽阔;广袤的疆土;辽阔的土地
5、northern territory───北领地,北部领地;北部地方
6、yukon territory───育空地区;育空领地(加拿大北部的一个行政区);[地名] [加拿大] 育空地区
7、new territory───新领域
8、unchartered territory───无人领地
9、claiming territory───声称领土
disputed territory(双语使用场景)
1、But she also stressed that Russia's position on the disputed territory has not changed.───但她同时强调,俄罗斯在争议领土问题上的立场没有发生改变。
2、Almost all of the killings occurred in this disputed territory, which sported particularly fine stands of the chimps’ favourite fruit-tree.───几乎所有的厮杀都在这片“有争议的土地上展开,特别适合黑猩猩最喜爱的果树座落于这个区域,对黑猩猩诱惑很大。
3、A Japanese foreign ministry spokesman, Hidenobu Sobashima, said the two officials discussed the disputed territory, but in general terms.───日本外务省一名发言人侧岛秀展说,两国外长曾经谈到有关这项领土争论的问题,但仅止于一般性的讨论。
4、One problem is disputed territory (see map).───一个问题是领土争议(看地图)。
5、Iranian state media said Mr. Ahmadinejad traveled to the disputed territory last week to deal with domestic issues.───YiLang国家媒体说,内贾德上周前往这个有争议的领土是为了处理国内事务。
6、The Republicans will doubtless claw back some lost ground in November, but the Rockies will remain disputed territory.───共和党人无疑要在11月的时候夺回一些失掉的领地,然而落基山脉地区仍是一处大家会对其议论颇多的区域。
7、Taiwan at the weekend reiterated its claim to the Spratlys, and said missile boats and tanks could be deployed to disputed territory.───周末,TaiWan重申了它对南沙群岛的主张,并表示DaoDan快艇和坦克可以在领土争议方面部署。
8、Vietnam was also angered by a recent call from China for oil exploration in disputed territory.───越南也因为最近中国在争端区域进行石油开采表示恼怒。
9、At the time Azerbaijan was in conflict with neighbouring Armenia over the disputed territory of Nagorno-Karabakh.───当时,阿塞拜疆与领国亚美尼亚就纳卡地区领土的争端问题发生了冲突。
disputed territory(英语使用场景)
1、A disputed territory of southwest Asia between Israel and Jordan west of the Jordan River.
2、The fact that we had ventured into disputed territory meant nothing to my father.
3、Talks have broken down over the disputed territory.
4、They warred over disputed territory.
5、The two cats challenged each other for the disputed territory - it was a diamond cut diamond.
6、Every day there've been two to three flights taking off from Zagreb and flying across disputed territory to Sarajevo.
7、At the time Azerbaijan was in conflict with neighbouring Armenia over the disputed territory of Nagorno - Karabakh.
8、His position has always been: declare Jammu and Kashmir a disputed territory, demilitarise it, withdraw all draconian laws, release all political prisoners, and make the talks trilateral.
9、Pye's own estate lay in disputed territory which changed hands at least twice.