1、After the Cold War, the clan conflict problem of Black Africa became the focus in academia. Scholars have analysed the causes of conflicts from the perspective of economy, society, and culture.───冷战后,HeiFeiZhou的部族冲突问题成为学术界关注的焦点,学者们纷纷从经济、社会、文化等不同的角度分析冲突爆发的原因。
causes of conflicts in africa(意思翻译)
causes of conflicts in africa(相似词语短语)
1、causes of───起因;属…原因
4、communalism in africa───非洲的社区主义
5、continent of africa───非洲DaLu
7、languages in africa───非洲的语言
8、funerals in africa───非洲的葬礼
9、conflicts of interest───[会计]利益冲突;[经] 利害(益)冲突
causes of conflicts in africa(双语使用场景)
1、After the Cold War, the clan conflict problem of Black Africa became the focus in academia. Scholars have analysed the causes of conflicts from the perspective of economy, society, and culture.───冷战后,HeiFeiZhou的部族冲突问题成为学术界关注的焦点,学者们纷纷从经济、社会、文化等不同的角度分析冲突爆发的原因。