1、Carotenes are insoluble in water and soluble in oils and fats.───胡萝卜素不溶于水,但溶于油和脂肪。
2、To achieve this, pellets containing nutrients and an oleophilic(hydrocarbon soluble) preparation have been used.───为了达到这一点,需要使用含营养成分和亲油性物质的小弹丸。
3、The results showed that the soluble starch was easy to mix with pure pollen among the different solid medium.───结果表明:在不同的固体介质中,可溶性淀粉易与纯花粉混合。
4、In the first step, the body water and soluble fats are dissolved from the body by placing it into a solvent bath (e. g. , an acetone bath).───第一步,通过将尸体放入溶剂缸槽(比如丙酮),去除身体的水份和可溶性脂肪。
5、The red dye on the leather is water-soluble.───皮革上的红色染料是水溶性的。
6、None of these difficulties is easily soluble, at least while Mr Bainimarama remains in charge.───至少在巴伊NiMa拉马下台之前,这些问题都很棘手。
7、Frosting soluble powder is widely applicable and no waste, pollution-free, safe, easy to operate, is the real environmental products.───水溶性蒙砂粉具有适用范围广、无废液、无污染、安全、Cao作方便,是真正的环保产品。
8、At the time, there was no evidence that arsenic was present in water-soluble form, so the teams did not test for it.───当时,还没有砷存在于水溶性成份中的证据,因此英国地质调查局的团队也就没有测试砷含量。
3、rouble───n.卢布 (Qian Su Lian)
4、double───adj.两倍的;成对的;(花)重瓣的;供两人用的;双重的;n.极相似的对应物;替身;供双人用的事物;双倍;(复数)双打(尤指网球);(在同一赛季或年份两次获胜的)双料冠军;(棒球)二垒安打; (C)双精度浮点数;v.加倍;对折;det.是……的两倍;adv.双重地;重叠的;pron.双倍数(或量);n. (Double)(美)杜布勒(人名)
1、Carotenes are insoluble in water and soluble in oils and fats.───胡萝卜素不溶于水,但溶于油和脂肪。
2、To achieve this, pellets containing nutrients and an oleophilic(hydrocarbon soluble) preparation have been used.───为了达到这一点,需要使用含营养成分和亲油性物质的小弹丸。
3、The results showed that the soluble starch was easy to mix with pure pollen among the different solid medium.───结果表明:在不同的固体介质中,可溶性淀粉易与纯花粉混合。
4、In the first step, the body water and soluble fats are dissolved from the body by placing it into a solvent bath (e. g. , an acetone bath).───第一步,通过将尸体放入溶剂缸槽(比如丙酮),去除身体的水份和可溶性脂肪。
5、The red dye on the leather is water-soluble.───皮革上的红色染料是水溶性的。
6、None of these difficulties is easily soluble, at least while Mr Bainimarama remains in charge.───至少在巴伊NiMa拉马下台之前,这些问题都很棘手。
7、Frosting soluble powder is widely applicable and no waste, pollution-free, safe, easy to operate, is the real environmental products.───水溶性蒙砂粉具有适用范围广、无废液、无污染、安全、Cao作方便,是真正的环保产品。
8、At the time, there was no evidence that arsenic was present in water-soluble form, so the teams did not test for it.───当时,还没有砷存在于水溶性成份中的证据,因此英国地质调查局的团队也就没有测试砷含量。
9、Vitamin C is water soluble.───维生素C可溶于水。
1、These tablets are soluble in water.