light clothes(意思翻译)
light clothes(相似词语短语)
1、e clothes───e衣服
2、clothes of───的衣服
3、parentage clothes───亲子服装
4、our clothes───我们的衣服
6、clothes closet───n.立柜
7、do clothes───做衣服
9、their clothes───他们的衣服
light clothes(双语使用场景)
1、Light clothes are effective in keeping cool in warm weather.───热天穿浅色衣服能使人凉快。
2、It's colder in Xi'an than in Beijing but southern China is hotter. You'd better take both heavy and light clothes.───西安比北京冷点儿,可南方很热。厚的和薄的都带上几件吧。
3、The breeze swelled out his light clothes.───微风鼓起了他那轻薄的衣衫。
4、They are wearing hats, sunglasses and light clothes because it is hot.───因为天气热他们戴帽子,太阳镜和穿着浅色衣服。
5、Don't forget to bring some light clothes as it is in summer now.───别忘了带些轻便的服装,因为此时是夏天。
6、If it gets really hot, I bring a lot of water and wear light clothes and I'm good to go.───如果天气真的很热,我就带很多水,穿轻巧的衣服,是的,我准备好了。
7、How did the women in Han Dynasty wear such a thin and light clothes?───这样轻薄的衣物,汉代的妇女又是怎样穿着的呢?
8、While light clothes might be appropriate in any case, sometimes packing rain gear can save your trip!───虽然轻也许是合适的衣服在任何情况下,有时包装雨具可节省您的旅行!
9、Pack light clothes for a hot country.───装好轻便的衣服去一个炎热的国家
light clothes(意思翻译)
light clothes(相似词语短语)
1、e clothes───e衣服
2、clothes of───的衣服
3、parentage clothes───亲子服装
4、our clothes───我们的衣服
6、clothes closet───n.立柜
7、do clothes───做衣服
9、their clothes───他们的衣服
light clothes(双语使用场景)
1、Light clothes are effective in keeping cool in warm weather.───热天穿浅色衣服能使人凉快。
2、It's colder in Xi'an than in Beijing but southern China is hotter. You'd better take both heavy and light clothes.───西安比北京冷点儿,可南方很热。厚的和薄的都带上几件吧。
3、The breeze swelled out his light clothes.───微风鼓起了他那轻薄的衣衫。
4、They are wearing hats, sunglasses and light clothes because it is hot.───因为天气热他们戴帽子,太阳镜和穿着浅色衣服。
5、Don't forget to bring some light clothes as it is in summer now.───别忘了带些轻便的服装,因为此时是夏天。
6、If it gets really hot, I bring a lot of water and wear light clothes and I'm good to go.───如果天气真的很热,我就带很多水,穿轻巧的衣服,是的,我准备好了。
7、How did the women in Han Dynasty wear such a thin and light clothes?───这样轻薄的衣物,汉代的妇女又是怎样穿着的呢?
8、While light clothes might be appropriate in any case, sometimes packing rain gear can save your trip!───虽然轻也许是合适的衣服在任何情况下,有时包装雨具可节省您的旅行!
9、Pack light clothes for a hot country.───装好轻便的衣服去一个炎热的国家