8、again and again───adv.再三地,反复地;<英>再三地, 反复地; 连声; 累次; 三番两次
9、all is one start───一切都是一个开始
all start again(双语使用场景)
1、To forget the mistakes of the past, all start again, today is the day for opportunity.───忘记过去的错误,一切重新开始,今天是争取机遇的日子。
2、The high starting point in the past glories, now I can say is nothing, and all start again.───起点在高那是过去的辉煌,现在的我可以说是一无所有,一切重新开始。
3、We had to strip out all the old wiring and start again.───我们不得不将原有的线路全部拆除,从头再来。
4、Before too long, it will all start again from scratch with the qualifying rounds for the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil.───过不了多久,随着2014年巴西世界杯的资格赛开战,一切又会从头开始。
5、Call of these thrown into the sea, so that all start again.───呼把这些丢进大海,让一切重新开始。
all start again(意思翻译)
all start again(相似词语短语)
2、start again───重新开始
4、lets start───我们开始吧
5、all again───又来了
6、again all───又一次全部
7、happy start───开局愉快
8、again and again───adv.再三地,反复地;<英>再三地, 反复地; 连声; 累次; 三番两次
9、all is one start───一切都是一个开始
all start again(双语使用场景)
1、To forget the mistakes of the past, all start again, today is the day for opportunity.───忘记过去的错误,一切重新开始,今天是争取机遇的日子。
2、The high starting point in the past glories, now I can say is nothing, and all start again.───起点在高那是过去的辉煌,现在的我可以说是一无所有,一切重新开始。
3、We had to strip out all the old wiring and start again.───我们不得不将原有的线路全部拆除,从头再来。
4、Before too long, it will all start again from scratch with the qualifying rounds for the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil.───过不了多久,随着2014年巴西世界杯的资格赛开战,一切又会从头开始。
5、Call of these thrown into the sea, so that all start again.───呼把这些丢进大海,让一切重新开始。