1、This algorithm can effectively overcome the model mismatch, unknown disturbance and parameter variation.───该算法能够有效地克服模型失配、扰动和XiTong参数变化等情况。
2、Test Method for Determination of the Spectral Mismatch Parameter Between a Photovoltaic Device and a Photovoltaic Reference Cell───测量光电装置与光电参考电池之间光谱不协调参数的测试方法
3、type mismatch error will result if the dimensionality of a variable or parameter does not match the dimensionality (or type) of the array assigned to the variable or passed to the parameter.───如果变量或参数的维数与分配给此变量或传递给此参数的数组的维数(或类型)不匹配,将产生类型不匹配错误。
4、factors of MOS transistor in the saturation region are analyzed, the mismatch models are optimized, and the model parameter extraction is done by least squares curve fitting method.───通过分析MOS管在饱和区失配因素,优化MOS管失配模型,提出用最小二乘曲线拟合法进行相关模型参数提取。
mismatch parameter(意思翻译)
mismatch parameter(相似词语短语)
1、mismatch synonym───同义词不匹配
4、mismatch theory───错配理论
5、formal parameter───[数]形式参数
6、solubility parameter───[化学]溶度参数;溶解参数
7、key parameter───[统计]关键参数;[经] 关键参数
8、incomplete parameter───参数不完整
9、mismatch def───定义不匹配
mismatch parameter(双语使用场景)
1、This algorithm can effectively overcome the model mismatch, unknown disturbance and parameter variation.───该算法能够有效地克服模型失配、扰动和XiTong参数变化等情况。
2、Test Method for Determination of the Spectral Mismatch Parameter Between a Photovoltaic Device and a Photovoltaic Reference Cell───测量光电装置与光电参考电池之间光谱不协调参数的测试方法
3、type mismatch error will result if the dimensionality of a variable or parameter does not match the dimensionality (or type) of the array assigned to the variable or passed to the parameter.───如果变量或参数的维数与分配给此变量或传递给此参数的数组的维数(或类型)不匹配,将产生类型不匹配错误。
4、factors of MOS transistor in the saturation region are analyzed, the mismatch models are optimized, and the model parameter extraction is done by least squares curve fitting method.───通过分析MOS管在饱和区失配因素,优化MOS管失配模型,提出用最小二乘曲线拟合法进行相关模型参数提取。