1、QUESTION: So what is this new scenario your particular angle to the Star Wars story?───问: 因此这是一个全新的方案,从你自己的视角来看的《星战》故事?
2、Design is a kind of ice to the water to steam of the essence has not changed, change what you use is the way to change it, change your thinking is the Angle thinking model.───设计就是一个“冰”到“水”到“汽”的过程,本质没有变,变是你用什么样的方式去改变它,变是的你思考的角度,思考的模式。
3、You can sense temperature variations, proprioception (position of your muscles), and the force of gravity (you do this by knowing at what Angle your head is in while your eyes are shut).───你可以体会到温度变化,本体感受(体会到你每块肌肉的方位)和重力感(通过闭上眼睛时头部的角度来感知)。
what is your angle(意思翻译)
what is your angle(相似词语短语)
1、what is your mother like───NiMa妈怎么样
2、what is your age───你几岁
3、What is───什么是;是什么
4、what is your name───你叫什么名字
5、What is your───你的是什么
6、is your───......是你的
7、your is───你的是
8、your what───你的什么
9、what your───你的什么
what is your angle(双语使用场景)
1、QUESTION: So what is this new scenario your particular angle to the Star Wars story?───问: 因此这是一个全新的方案,从你自己的视角来看的《星战》故事?
2、Design is a kind of ice to the water to steam of the essence has not changed, change what you use is the way to change it, change your thinking is the Angle thinking model.───设计就是一个“冰”到“水”到“汽”的过程,本质没有变,变是你用什么样的方式去改变它,变是的你思考的角度,思考的模式。
3、You can sense temperature variations, proprioception (position of your muscles), and the force of gravity (you do this by knowing at what Angle your head is in while your eyes are shut).───你可以体会到温度变化,本体感受(体会到你每块肌肉的方位)和重力感(通过闭上眼睛时头部的角度来感知)。