1、Global exponential asymptotical stability of delayed-feedback equations for a type of two-neuron network model with two thresholds───一类具时滞双阈值二元离散神经网络模型的全局指数渐近稳定性
2、On exponentially asymptotical stability of two dimensional linear differential with periodic coefficient───二维周期系的指数型一致渐进稳定
3、First the asymptotical stability was studied for the closed-loop system.───首先对闭环XiTong的渐近稳定性进行研究;
4、It is proved that globally asymptotical stability and convergence of the resulting closed-loop system are guaranteed by the range of the prediction horizon.───证明了它可保证闭环XiTong的全局渐近稳定和收敛,并定量给出了预测水平的选择范围。
5、Exponential Asymptotical Stability for a Class of Distributed Parameter Systems with Time Delays───一类时滞分布参数XiTong的指数渐近稳定性
6、And, the global asymptotical stability of positive equilibrium point of the equation is obtained.───并得到方程的正平衡点是全局渐近稳定的。
7、globally asymptotical stability of recurrent neural networks with time varying delay is investigated.───研究了带时变时滞的递归神经网络的全局渐近稳定性。
8、Under this condition, the designed controller can provide the closed-loop system with asymptotical stability.───在此条件下所设计的KongZhiQi,可使闭环XiTong渐近稳定。
9、We give a simple sufficient condition on control gain that guarantees globally asymptotical stability of closed loop system.───本文提出了一个简单的关于控制增益的条件,保证了闭环XiTong的全局渐近稳定性。
asymptotical stability(英语使用场景)
1、Through analysing the local uniform asymptotical stability at origin under the proposed point stabilization control law, the scale of control parameters is confirmed.
2、A type of structure self organizing algorithm is presented to guarantee close loop asymptotical stability.
3、First we obtain well posedness and show that strongly asymptotical stability of closed loop system by using the method of linear operators semigroup.
4、It is proved that globally asymptotical stability and convergence of the resulting closed-loop system are guaranteed by the range of the prediction horizon.
5、Consequently the goal of robust tracking control was obtained and the asymptotical stability of adaptive sliding mode control systems was proved based on Lyapunov theory.
6、Besides, an adaptive controller with projection algorithm as parameter estimation law is designed for the slow subsystem control and its asymptotical stability is proved.
7、By the above facts, it is necessary in analyzing globally asymptotical stability of the origin that the other asymptotical stability equilibrium points are false ones.
8、This research indicates that state feedback controller without delay can be chosen to guarantee the robust global uniformly asymptotical stability of integro-differential systems.
9、In this paper , some sufficient conditions of global asymptotical stability of the zero solution are given.
asymptotical stability(意思翻译)
asymptotical stability(相似词语短语)
1、intact stability───完整稳性(即非破损时的稳定性);车辆稳定性
2、dimensional stability───[测][纺][纸]尺寸稳定性;[纺]形稳性;尺寸恒定性,尺寸稳定性,形稳性
3、postural stability───位置稳定
4、methylal stability───甲缩醛稳定性
5、intact stability code───完整稳定性代码
6、stability help───稳定性帮助
8、flinch stability───畏缩稳定性
9、gyroscopic stability───[力]陀螺稳定性
asymptotical stability(双语使用场景)
1、Global exponential asymptotical stability of delayed-feedback equations for a type of two-neuron network model with two thresholds───一类具时滞双阈值二元离散神经网络模型的全局指数渐近稳定性
2、On exponentially asymptotical stability of two dimensional linear differential with periodic coefficient───二维周期系的指数型一致渐进稳定
3、First the asymptotical stability was studied for the closed-loop system.───首先对闭环XiTong的渐近稳定性进行研究;
4、It is proved that globally asymptotical stability and convergence of the resulting closed-loop system are guaranteed by the range of the prediction horizon.───证明了它可保证闭环XiTong的全局渐近稳定和收敛,并定量给出了预测水平的选择范围。
5、Exponential Asymptotical Stability for a Class of Distributed Parameter Systems with Time Delays───一类时滞分布参数XiTong的指数渐近稳定性
6、And, the global asymptotical stability of positive equilibrium point of the equation is obtained.───并得到方程的正平衡点是全局渐近稳定的。
7、globally asymptotical stability of recurrent neural networks with time varying delay is investigated.───研究了带时变时滞的递归神经网络的全局渐近稳定性。
8、Under this condition, the designed controller can provide the closed-loop system with asymptotical stability.───在此条件下所设计的KongZhiQi,可使闭环XiTong渐近稳定。
9、We give a simple sufficient condition on control gain that guarantees globally asymptotical stability of closed loop system.───本文提出了一个简单的关于控制增益的条件,保证了闭环XiTong的全局渐近稳定性。
asymptotical stability(英语使用场景)
1、Through analysing the local uniform asymptotical stability at origin under the proposed point stabilization control law, the scale of control parameters is confirmed.
2、A type of structure self organizing algorithm is presented to guarantee close loop asymptotical stability.
3、First we obtain well posedness and show that strongly asymptotical stability of closed loop system by using the method of linear operators semigroup.
4、It is proved that globally asymptotical stability and convergence of the resulting closed-loop system are guaranteed by the range of the prediction horizon.
5、Consequently the goal of robust tracking control was obtained and the asymptotical stability of adaptive sliding mode control systems was proved based on Lyapunov theory.
6、Besides, an adaptive controller with projection algorithm as parameter estimation law is designed for the slow subsystem control and its asymptotical stability is proved.
7、By the above facts, it is necessary in analyzing globally asymptotical stability of the origin that the other asymptotical stability equilibrium points are false ones.
8、This research indicates that state feedback controller without delay can be chosen to guarantee the robust global uniformly asymptotical stability of integro-differential systems.
9、In this paper , some sufficient conditions of global asymptotical stability of the zero solution are given.