1、explores the on-demand mode and gives the on-demand strategy based on time compensation and band width compensation.───研究了请求方式的文件推送模式,提出了基于时间补偿和带宽补偿的按需推送策略。
2、Then we perform digital pre-compensation method, which can be used in the processing of base band signal to reject image frequency and protect carrier leak to meet the application purpose.───然后采用对基带信号的数字预补偿方法来抑制镜像频率和载波泄漏,从而达到应用的目的。
3、amplitude-phase compensation model of multi-band radar signal fusion is analyzed and the new amplitude-phase compensation algorithm based on the ESPRIT is presented.───分析了多雷达信号融合中的幅度相位模型,并基于旋转不变技术提出一种新的幅度相位补偿参数估计方法。
band compensation(英语使用场景)
1、Second, according to the present airport status, the author systematic analyses, job analysis, job evaluation and job system composition of airport, and explores the broad band compensation system.
band compensation(意思翻译)
band compensation(相似词语短语)
1、compensation plan───酬金方案
2、executive compensation───管理层薪资水平;管理人员补贴金; 经理人员报酬
3、compensation survey───薪酬调查
4、compensation scheme───赔偿计划
5、compensation claims───要求索赔,赔偿要求
6、compensation review───薪酬审核
7、compensation definition───薪酬定义
9、over compensation───过补偿 (Xi Tong)
band compensation(双语使用场景)
1、explores the on-demand mode and gives the on-demand strategy based on time compensation and band width compensation.───研究了请求方式的文件推送模式,提出了基于时间补偿和带宽补偿的按需推送策略。
2、Then we perform digital pre-compensation method, which can be used in the processing of base band signal to reject image frequency and protect carrier leak to meet the application purpose.───然后采用对基带信号的数字预补偿方法来抑制镜像频率和载波泄漏,从而达到应用的目的。
3、amplitude-phase compensation model of multi-band radar signal fusion is analyzed and the new amplitude-phase compensation algorithm based on the ESPRIT is presented.───分析了多雷达信号融合中的幅度相位模型,并基于旋转不变技术提出一种新的幅度相位补偿参数估计方法。
band compensation(英语使用场景)
1、Second, according to the present airport status, the author systematic analyses, job analysis, job evaluation and job system composition of airport, and explores the broad band compensation system.