1、untempted by vanity, his prevailing affect was of seriousness and humility.───看起来也没受虚荣的影响,他的感情严肃,态度谦逊。
2、Afterward, the listener can ask nonthreatening questions to clarify the speaker's position.───之后,听众可以问一些不具威胁性的问题来阐明说话者的立场。
3、Jack stared through the windshield at the dozen hostile faces surrounding the car with what he hoped was a neutral, nonthreatening gaze.───杰克朝挡风玻璃外看去,十几张满怀敌意的脸围在车周围,他们的目光凶险而阴沉。
4、But suspensions for less serious, nonthreatening behavior have become routine in recent decades, with disastrous consequences.───可是最近十几年来,对于不太严重,没什么威胁的行为,学校也会采取休学措施作为处理方法,这带来了灾难性的后果。
5、That cute waiter guy that looks like a nonthreatening Ray Liotta?───那个长得像雷李欧塔亲切版的帅哥服务生?
6、Cosmetic surgery, perhaps, falls into the age-old category of accommodations women make to render themselves nonthreatening.───为免却后顾之虞,许多女性也许都把整容手术的费用列入养老金的行列里。
7、Nonthreatening and, it seemed, untempted by vanity, his prevailing affect was of seriousness and humility.───不带威胁,看起来也没受虚荣的影响,他的感情严肃,态度谦逊。
1、untempted by vanity, his prevailing affect was of seriousness and humility.───看起来也没受虚荣的影响,他的感情严肃,态度谦逊。
2、Afterward, the listener can ask nonthreatening questions to clarify the speaker's position.───之后,听众可以问一些不具威胁性的问题来阐明说话者的立场。
3、Jack stared through the windshield at the dozen hostile faces surrounding the car with what he hoped was a neutral, nonthreatening gaze.───杰克朝挡风玻璃外看去,十几张满怀敌意的脸围在车周围,他们的目光凶险而阴沉。
4、But suspensions for less serious, nonthreatening behavior have become routine in recent decades, with disastrous consequences.───可是最近十几年来,对于不太严重,没什么威胁的行为,学校也会采取休学措施作为处理方法,这带来了灾难性的后果。
5、That cute waiter guy that looks like a nonthreatening Ray Liotta?───那个长得像雷李欧塔亲切版的帅哥服务生?
6、Cosmetic surgery, perhaps, falls into the age-old category of accommodations women make to render themselves nonthreatening.───为免却后顾之虞,许多女性也许都把整容手术的费用列入养老金的行列里。
7、Nonthreatening and, it seemed, untempted by vanity, his prevailing affect was of seriousness and humility.───不带威胁,看起来也没受虚荣的影响,他的感情严肃,态度谦逊。