1、I don't agree, I think Pentax philosophy is strinkingly similar to SAAB.───我不同意,我觉得宾得哲学类似萨伯。
2、In its default settings the Pentax produces over sharpened and a little oversaturated images with visible artifacts and jagged diagonals .───默认设置下,其输出的照片过锐并有些过饱和,有可视的伪影和锯齿状斜线。
3、Pentax has always been kind of an engineering oriented company, and now Hoya is maybe a little more business focused?───宾得一直是种一工程为导向的公司,现在霍亚可能会带来更多的业务重点?
4、It boasts unmatched sharpness, bokeh, and overall color rendition, as well as the Pentax-exclusive power zoom function.───它拥有无可比拟的锐度,焦外,整体色彩还原,以及宾得特有的动力变焦。
5、Hoya Pentax HD is not legally a holding company, but it will be just like acquiring a camera business subsidiary.───豪雅宾得HD虽然不是法律上的持股公司,但给人的感觉像是拥有一个照相机子公司。
6、If Pentax were to produce such a camera, not only would these users be satisfied, but sales would likely be very high.───如果宾得现在开发全幅,不但会满足这些用户,而且相机也应该会获得不错的销量。
7、The Pentax Q offers interchangeable lens technology in a camera no larger than a compact point-and-shoot digital camera.───宾得推出的Q相机体积不超过一个傻瓜相机,却具备了可换镜头技术。
8、APS-C is by far the most common format, used in virtually all Canon, Nikon, Pentax and Sony DLSR models.───APS - C则是使用较为普遍的制式,在佳能、尼康、宾得以及索尼等单反上均有采用。
9、It recently brought together Japan's oldest camera firm, Pentax, with Hoya, a maker of glass lenses.───最近,日本老字号相机公司Pentax和眼镜制造商hoya合并了。
1、It recently brought together Japan's oldest camera firm, Pentax, with Hoya, a maker of glass lenses.
2、I've got a long lens Pentax and a cassette recorder.
3、Pentax are well-known for their outstanding lens quality-and the El 200 is no exception.
4、Can a light meter on a Pentax manual camera get jammed?
5、I purchased a dedicated Pentax flashgun with an adjustable flash head which could be adjusted to point straight ahead or angled upwards.
6、Tom Pratt's stack of four deltas lofts his Pentax unit.
1、tin opener───(英)罐头刀;(英)开罐器;n.开罐器,罐头刀
2、pentateuch wiki───五经维基
3、burst open───v.猛然打开; 绷
4、lalo pena───我很抱歉。
5、crystallography open database───开放式结晶学数据库
6、compendious define───简明定义
7、cheapen synonym───廉价同义词
8、resolving dependencies of───正在解析的依赖项
9、a red pen───红笔
10、sharpen skills───磨炼技巧;精益求精;提高技能
1、I don't agree, I think Pentax philosophy is strinkingly similar to SAAB.───我不同意,我觉得宾得哲学类似萨伯。
2、In its default settings the Pentax produces over sharpened and a little oversaturated images with visible artifacts and jagged diagonals .───默认设置下,其输出的照片过锐并有些过饱和,有可视的伪影和锯齿状斜线。
3、Pentax has always been kind of an engineering oriented company, and now Hoya is maybe a little more business focused?───宾得一直是种一工程为导向的公司,现在霍亚可能会带来更多的业务重点?
4、It boasts unmatched sharpness, bokeh, and overall color rendition, as well as the Pentax-exclusive power zoom function.───它拥有无可比拟的锐度,焦外,整体色彩还原,以及宾得特有的动力变焦。
5、Hoya Pentax HD is not legally a holding company, but it will be just like acquiring a camera business subsidiary.───豪雅宾得HD虽然不是法律上的持股公司,但给人的感觉像是拥有一个照相机子公司。
6、If Pentax were to produce such a camera, not only would these users be satisfied, but sales would likely be very high.───如果宾得现在开发全幅,不但会满足这些用户,而且相机也应该会获得不错的销量。
7、The Pentax Q offers interchangeable lens technology in a camera no larger than a compact point-and-shoot digital camera.───宾得推出的Q相机体积不超过一个傻瓜相机,却具备了可换镜头技术。
8、APS-C is by far the most common format, used in virtually all Canon, Nikon, Pentax and Sony DLSR models.───APS - C则是使用较为普遍的制式,在佳能、尼康、宾得以及索尼等单反上均有采用。
9、It recently brought together Japan's oldest camera firm, Pentax, with Hoya, a maker of glass lenses.───最近,日本老字号相机公司Pentax和眼镜制造商hoya合并了。
1、It recently brought together Japan's oldest camera firm, Pentax, with Hoya, a maker of glass lenses.
2、I've got a long lens Pentax and a cassette recorder.
3、Pentax are well-known for their outstanding lens quality-and the El 200 is no exception.
4、Can a light meter on a Pentax manual camera get jammed?
5、I purchased a dedicated Pentax flashgun with an adjustable flash head which could be adjusted to point straight ahead or angled upwards.
6、Tom Pratt's stack of four deltas lofts his Pentax unit.