1、"Now is not the time to slam the brakes on the recovery, right now is the time to step on the gas, " he said.───对于复苏现在不是紧急刹车的时候,现在要做的就是狠踩油门。
2、New Zealand man caught driving at more than twice the legal speed limit claimed he needed to step on the gas in order to blow-dry his car.───一个新西兰男人以超过法定速度的两倍开车而被拘,他的理由是需要加大油门好让风吹GanTa的汽车。
3、Do not step on the gas EFI car to start.───电喷车启动时不要踩油门。
4、The car will keep going if the driver continues to step on the gas pedal.───车子开动,如果司机继续踩到油门。
5、This results in a feeling of lag when you step on the gas, and then the car lunges ahead when the turbo gets moving.───这样就导致了延时感的产生:当踩下油门,要等涡轮转速上升,车辆才会咆哮着前进。
6、And when the economy remained stagnant for another year, he did step on the gas a bit with QE2.───而要是经济再停滞一年,他又要增加点‘释放流动性’。
7、Step on the gas. You're driving too slowly.───踩油门。你开得太慢了。
8、Step on the gas , we're late.───加大油门,我们要迟到了。
9、When the driver wants more speed or power, he step on the gas .───当司机需要更大速度和更大功率时,他就“加大油门”。
step on the gas(意思翻译)
step on the gas(相似词语短语)
1、take the step───迈出这一步
2、step by step drawing───逐步绘制
4、craniotomy step by step───分步开颅术
5、consists of the step by step───由一步一步组成
6、step by step───adv.逐步地;一步步地,逐步地,逐渐地; 缓缓; 浸
7、step step───步进
8、step on───vt.踩上…;踏上…;走在…上面; 伤害(某人的)感情; 斥责(某人); 跐
step on the gas(双语使用场景)
1、"Now is not the time to slam the brakes on the recovery, right now is the time to step on the gas, " he said.───对于复苏现在不是紧急刹车的时候,现在要做的就是狠踩油门。
2、New Zealand man caught driving at more than twice the legal speed limit claimed he needed to step on the gas in order to blow-dry his car.───一个新西兰男人以超过法定速度的两倍开车而被拘,他的理由是需要加大油门好让风吹GanTa的汽车。
3、Do not step on the gas EFI car to start.───电喷车启动时不要踩油门。
4、The car will keep going if the driver continues to step on the gas pedal.───车子开动,如果司机继续踩到油门。
5、This results in a feeling of lag when you step on the gas, and then the car lunges ahead when the turbo gets moving.───这样就导致了延时感的产生:当踩下油门,要等涡轮转速上升,车辆才会咆哮着前进。
6、And when the economy remained stagnant for another year, he did step on the gas a bit with QE2.───而要是经济再停滞一年,他又要增加点‘释放流动性’。
7、Step on the gas. You're driving too slowly.───踩油门。你开得太慢了。
8、Step on the gas , we're late.───加大油门,我们要迟到了。
9、When the driver wants more speed or power, he step on the gas .───当司机需要更大速度和更大功率时,他就“加大油门”。