1、When he took off his hat and coat my heart sank. There stood our preacher. . . he was the "homeless man. "───当他脱下帽子和外套时,我的心顿时一沉,我们的牧师就站在那儿……他竟然是那个“无家可归”的人。
2、Inspector Walsh got his hat and coat. 'come.───WoErShi探长戴上帽子穿上外衣。“走吧,我们需要和彼特·霍布斯和汤姆·布里格斯谈谈。”
3、Hannay put on the worker's hat and coat and began to fix the road.───哈内戴上工人的帽子,穿上工人的外套,开始修路。
4、He took off his hat and coat and sat down behind the table.───他脱下帽子和外套,坐在桌旁。
5、They went on dining, while he went upstairs for his hat and coat. Presently the door clicked.───他们继续吃饭,他上楼去取帽子和大衣。不久大门咔嚓响了一下。
6、While I watched, mouth open in surprise, Mum took off her hat and coat and gave them to me to hold.───当我看着,嘴惊讶地,妈妈她脱下帽子和外套,将他们赐给我拥抱你。
7、Pasing a cornfield the other day, close by a hat and coat on a stake, I recognized the owner of the farm.───那天,我经过一片玉米田,就在那头戴帽子、身穿上衣的木桩旁边,我认出了那个农田主人。
8、She went out with her hat and coat on.───她带上帽子,穿上大衣,出去了。
hat and coat(英语使用场景)
1、She was fully dressed, wearing a hat and coat.
2、She looked prim and nervous in her best hat and coat.
3、In the gaslit passage, Joe saw the new lady lodger coming down the stairs, her hat and coat on.
4、Do you think this hat and coat go well together?
hat and coat(意思翻译)
hat and coat(相似词语短语)
1、hat and all───帽子什么的
2、and a hat───还有一顶帽子
3、hat and scarf───帽子和围巾
5、and my hat───还有我的帽子
6、sheepskin coat───羊皮大衣
7、buttoned coat───扣子大衣
8、sugar coat───vi.掩饰; [医]糖衣
9、hat───vt.给……戴上帽子;n.帽子;vi.供应帽子;制造帽子;n. (Hat)(中)(广东话·威妥玛)核(人名)
hat and coat(双语使用场景)
1、When he took off his hat and coat my heart sank. There stood our preacher. . . he was the "homeless man. "───当他脱下帽子和外套时,我的心顿时一沉,我们的牧师就站在那儿……他竟然是那个“无家可归”的人。
2、Inspector Walsh got his hat and coat. 'come.───WoErShi探长戴上帽子穿上外衣。“走吧,我们需要和彼特·霍布斯和汤姆·布里格斯谈谈。”
3、Hannay put on the worker's hat and coat and began to fix the road.───哈内戴上工人的帽子,穿上工人的外套,开始修路。
4、He took off his hat and coat and sat down behind the table.───他脱下帽子和外套,坐在桌旁。
5、They went on dining, while he went upstairs for his hat and coat. Presently the door clicked.───他们继续吃饭,他上楼去取帽子和大衣。不久大门咔嚓响了一下。
6、While I watched, mouth open in surprise, Mum took off her hat and coat and gave them to me to hold.───当我看着,嘴惊讶地,妈妈她脱下帽子和外套,将他们赐给我拥抱你。
7、Pasing a cornfield the other day, close by a hat and coat on a stake, I recognized the owner of the farm.───那天,我经过一片玉米田,就在那头戴帽子、身穿上衣的木桩旁边,我认出了那个农田主人。
8、She went out with her hat and coat on.───她带上帽子,穿上大衣,出去了。
hat and coat(英语使用场景)
1、She was fully dressed, wearing a hat and coat.
2、She looked prim and nervous in her best hat and coat.
3、In the gaslit passage, Joe saw the new lady lodger coming down the stairs, her hat and coat on.
4、Do you think this hat and coat go well together?