1、If astronauts ever do manage to get back to the moon, they should find it easier to mine for water in these somewhat less frigid and dark conditions.───如果宇航员有一天返回月球,在这种不是那样寒冷、黑暗的环境,将更易于开采水。
2、He reckons we should go back to the moon, this time to develop it, and look to get to Mars in a couple of decades.───他预计人类会重返月球,并对其进行开发,继而有望在几十年内抵达火星。
3、They had proved that people could live and work in space for the time it would take to get to the moon and back.───他们证实了人类在开始到达月球和返回的时候是能够在太空中生活和工作的。
get back in the moon(意思翻译)
get back in the moon(相似词语短语)
1、in the back───在后面
2、get back in───回来
3、the man in the moon───n.虚构的人物
4、Get back───回来; 找回; 报复; 回到…上来;回来;恢复;取回;报复;重新上台
5、man in the moon───月球上的人
6、in the moon───在月球上
7、The Moon───月亮
8、get you the moon───把月亮给你
9、the get back───回来吧
get back in the moon(双语使用场景)
1、If astronauts ever do manage to get back to the moon, they should find it easier to mine for water in these somewhat less frigid and dark conditions.───如果宇航员有一天返回月球,在这种不是那样寒冷、黑暗的环境,将更易于开采水。
2、He reckons we should go back to the moon, this time to develop it, and look to get to Mars in a couple of decades.───他预计人类会重返月球,并对其进行开发,继而有望在几十年内抵达火星。
3、They had proved that people could live and work in space for the time it would take to get to the moon and back.───他们证实了人类在开始到达月球和返回的时候是能够在太空中生活和工作的。