1、a glance at the clock he rose and added: But Louisa will be waiting.───他瞥了一眼时钟站了起来,接着说:“路易莎要等我了。”
2、from the Queen Grove as she spoke, deep and resonant, like the stroke of a big, old clock or the hum of a harp.───从皇后林那边传来引起共鸣的低沉声音,像一座大旧钟发出的钟声或是竖琴发出的嗡嗡声。
3、At eight o 'clock the fog lay heavily on the waves, and its thick scrolls rose little by little. The horizon grew wider and clearer at the same time.───八点,浓雾沉重地在海面上滚动,它那巨大的气团渐渐地散开了。天际也渐渐扩大,天色渐渐明朗起来。
clock rose(意思翻译)
clock rose(相似词语短语)
2、sextant clock───六分仪钟
3、o clock───n.点钟
4、pelvic clock───骨盆时钟
5、rose and rose───玫瑰和玫瑰
7、electric clock───[仪]电钟
8、twelveo clock───十二点钟
9、speaking clock───n.电话报时服务
clock rose(双语使用场景)
1、a glance at the clock he rose and added: But Louisa will be waiting.───他瞥了一眼时钟站了起来,接着说:“路易莎要等我了。”
2、from the Queen Grove as she spoke, deep and resonant, like the stroke of a big, old clock or the hum of a harp.───从皇后林那边传来引起共鸣的低沉声音,像一座大旧钟发出的钟声或是竖琴发出的嗡嗡声。
3、At eight o 'clock the fog lay heavily on the waves, and its thick scrolls rose little by little. The horizon grew wider and clearer at the same time.───八点,浓雾沉重地在海面上滚动,它那巨大的气团渐渐地散开了。天际也渐渐扩大,天色渐渐明朗起来。