1、nuclear energy is released at the Sun’s center as high-energy gamma radiation, a form of electromagnetic radiation like light and radio waves, only of very much shorter wavelength.───核能在太阳的核心被释放为高能的伽马射线。 这是一种电磁射线,就象光波和无线电波一样,只是波长要短得多。
2、A radio-wavelength image taken May 29 along with a Hubble Space Telescope image taken in visible light on April 4 supports that model.───5月29日拍摄到的一幅射电波图像,连同4月4日哈勃太空望远镜拍到的一幅可见光图像都支持这种推断。
3、She found the wavelength of their broadcasts, and left the radio tuned to their station.───她找到了他们广播的波段,把收音机调到他们的电台上。
4、As another example, cosmic rays have a wavelength of lessthan a millionth of a millionth of an inch, while some radio waves have wave lengths of over a mile!───再举另外一个例子,宇宙射线的波长不及万亿亿分之一英寸,而某些无线电波的波长却超过一英里!
radio wavelength(意思翻译)
radio wavelength(相似词语短语)
1、uhf radio───超高频无线电
2、radio play───广播剧
3、radio waves───[电子]无线电波
4、germicidal wavelength───杀菌波长
5、drail radio───德雷尔无线电
6、radio wave───n.无线电波
7、emission wavelength───发射波长
8、yellows wavelength───黄色波长
radio wavelength(双语使用场景)
1、nuclear energy is released at the Sun’s center as high-energy gamma radiation, a form of electromagnetic radiation like light and radio waves, only of very much shorter wavelength.───核能在太阳的核心被释放为高能的伽马射线。 这是一种电磁射线,就象光波和无线电波一样,只是波长要短得多。
2、A radio-wavelength image taken May 29 along with a Hubble Space Telescope image taken in visible light on April 4 supports that model.───5月29日拍摄到的一幅射电波图像,连同4月4日哈勃太空望远镜拍到的一幅可见光图像都支持这种推断。
3、She found the wavelength of their broadcasts, and left the radio tuned to their station.───她找到了他们广播的波段,把收音机调到他们的电台上。
4、As another example, cosmic rays have a wavelength of lessthan a millionth of a millionth of an inch, while some radio waves have wave lengths of over a mile!───再举另外一个例子,宇宙射线的波长不及万亿亿分之一英寸,而某些无线电波的波长却超过一英里!