1、Cystic lesions and retinoblastoma with orbital spread were the most common causes of orbital space-occupying lesions among the children.───先天性囊肿和视网膜母细胞瘤侵犯眼眶是儿童发生眼眶占位性病变最主要的病因。
2、Apriori we do not know the exact distance, spin frequency, and orbital parameters of the radio pulsar that might be hidden in a data set.───因为我们不知道可能隐藏在数据集中的脉冲星的确切距离、自旋频率和轨道参数。
3、The USAF radar reports all but ceased Jan. 11, then appeared to show "signs of orbital distress" when resumed temporarily a few days later.───美国空军在1月11日停止公布雷达报告,当几天后短暂恢复公布时,显示发生了“轨道灾难迹象”。
4、In molecular orbital theory, we named orbits based on their symmetry.───在分子轨道理论中,我们基于轨道的对称性给它们命名。
5、Newton for years had been curious about the cause of the orbital motion of the moon and planets.───多年来,牛顿一直对月球和行星绕轨道运行的原因感到好奇。
6、main axis of the planet's orbital ellipse shifts each time when it goes around the sun.───当行星绕太阳运行时,其轨道椭圆的主轴每次都会改变。
7、We can measure the speeds of these galaxies, their orbital velocities, and figure out how much mass is in this cluster.───我们可以测量这些星系的速率,它们的轨道速度,并算出星系团中有多少质量。
8、The signals indicate that the spacecraft bus is functioning normally and ready to begin orbital maneuvers and operational testing.───此信号表明,该卫星运转良好且准备好开始轨道演习和Cao作测试。
9、Other orbital vehicles have been used to spot water in drought-prone regions and connect rural hospitals via satellite hookup.───其他的轨道载体则用于发现干旱地区的水源和通过卫星连线使农村地区医院能彼此联系。
1、Then the observable quantity, the orbital decay rate. is.
2、Asymptotic orbital stability provides one route of dissipation.
3、The viewpoint is perpendicular to the orbital plane.
4、This effect can be shown to reduce orbital eccentricities.
5、If we remove an electron from an anti-bonding orbital, the ion will be more tightly bound than the molecule was.
6、The newly discovered world followed an orbital path unlike that of any other planet.
7、Similar effects operate for d orbitals, but not for s orbitals, which have no orbital angular momentum.
8、Her orbital speed must be a few hundred meters per second.
9、barbital───n.BaBiTuo (Ba Bi Tuo)
1、Cystic lesions and retinoblastoma with orbital spread were the most common causes of orbital space-occupying lesions among the children.───先天性囊肿和视网膜母细胞瘤侵犯眼眶是儿童发生眼眶占位性病变最主要的病因。
2、Apriori we do not know the exact distance, spin frequency, and orbital parameters of the radio pulsar that might be hidden in a data set.───因为我们不知道可能隐藏在数据集中的脉冲星的确切距离、自旋频率和轨道参数。
3、The USAF radar reports all but ceased Jan. 11, then appeared to show "signs of orbital distress" when resumed temporarily a few days later.───美国空军在1月11日停止公布雷达报告,当几天后短暂恢复公布时,显示发生了“轨道灾难迹象”。
4、In molecular orbital theory, we named orbits based on their symmetry.───在分子轨道理论中,我们基于轨道的对称性给它们命名。
5、Newton for years had been curious about the cause of the orbital motion of the moon and planets.───多年来,牛顿一直对月球和行星绕轨道运行的原因感到好奇。
6、main axis of the planet's orbital ellipse shifts each time when it goes around the sun.───当行星绕太阳运行时,其轨道椭圆的主轴每次都会改变。
7、We can measure the speeds of these galaxies, their orbital velocities, and figure out how much mass is in this cluster.───我们可以测量这些星系的速率,它们的轨道速度,并算出星系团中有多少质量。
8、The signals indicate that the spacecraft bus is functioning normally and ready to begin orbital maneuvers and operational testing.───此信号表明,该卫星运转良好且准备好开始轨道演习和Cao作测试。
9、Other orbital vehicles have been used to spot water in drought-prone regions and connect rural hospitals via satellite hookup.───其他的轨道载体则用于发现干旱地区的水源和通过卫星连线使农村地区医院能彼此联系。
1、Then the observable quantity, the orbital decay rate. is.
2、Asymptotic orbital stability provides one route of dissipation.
3、The viewpoint is perpendicular to the orbital plane.
4、This effect can be shown to reduce orbital eccentricities.
5、If we remove an electron from an anti-bonding orbital, the ion will be more tightly bound than the molecule was.
6、The newly discovered world followed an orbital path unlike that of any other planet.
7、Similar effects operate for d orbitals, but not for s orbitals, which have no orbital angular momentum.
8、Her orbital speed must be a few hundred meters per second.
9、Take the London orbital.