1、John Huston stars as an intergalactic warrior who joins a cosmic Christ figure in battle against a demonic 8-year-old girl, and her pet hawk, while the fate of the universe hangs in the balance.───约翰休斯顿明星作为一个星际战士,加入了一个宇宙的基督形象与恶魔战斗的8岁小女孩,和她的宠物鹰,而宇宙的命运难料。
cosmic girl(意思翻译)
cosmic girl(相似词语短语)
1、cosmic prisons───宇宙监狱
2、cosmic pvp───宇宙pvp
3、cosmic sky───宇宙天空
4、cosmic kids───宇宙儿童
5、cosmic kids yoga───宇宙儿童瑜伽
6、cosmic dust───n.宇宙尘埃
8、cosmic crisp apples───宇宙脆苹果
9、cosmic yoga───宇宙瑜伽
cosmic girl(双语使用场景)
1、John Huston stars as an intergalactic warrior who joins a cosmic Christ figure in battle against a demonic 8-year-old girl, and her pet hawk, while the fate of the universe hangs in the balance.───约翰休斯顿明星作为一个星际战士,加入了一个宇宙的基督形象与恶魔战斗的8岁小女孩,和她的宠物鹰,而宇宙的命运难料。